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Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 17, Number 1, January 2005
ISSN 0121-3784



  1. Determination of physical and chemical parameters of Buffalo milk in an organic production system; N A Hurtado-Lugo, M F Cerón-Muñoz, M I Lopera, A Bernal and T Cifuentes (In Spanish)

  2. The effect of maize bran or maize bran mixed with sunflower cake on the performance of smallholder dairy cows in urban and peri-urban area in Morogoro, Tanzania; P S Mlay, A E Pereka, S T Balthazary, E C J Phiri, T Hvelplund, M R Weisbjerg and J Madsen

  3. Chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility of leaves of Vitis vinifera; A Kamalak

  4. Effect of stage of harvest on DM yield, nutrient content, in vitro and in situ parameters and their relationship of native and Brachiaria grasses in the Adamawa Plateau of Cameroon; M B Enoh, C Kijora, K J Peters and S Yonkeu

  5. Evaluation of grazing pattern and sustainability of feed resources in pastoral areas of eastern zone of Tanzania; P Y Kavana, J B Kizima and Y N Msanga

  6. Intercropping cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) with Flemingia (Flemingia macrophylla); effect on biomass yield and soil fertility; Ngo Tien Dung, Inger Ledin and Nguyen Thi Mui

  7. Yield potential and chemical composition of irrigated sugarcane; Fernandes de Souza França, Susana Queiroz Santos Mello, Beneval Rosa, Arcádio de los Reyes Borjas, Said Pereira Mundim, Murilo Régis Ferreira Magalhães, Tiago Rufino Aparecido de Matos and Josicrey Gonçalves dos Reis (In Portuguese)

  8. Analysis of the diversity in goat milk production systems and evaluation of the productive parameters in the main milk basin of Argentina; R Paz, J Togo, P Usandivaras, J M Castel and Yolanda Mena (In Spanish)

  9. Effect of feeding cassava fruit coat meal as a fibre source on the nutrient digestibility, performance, organ weights and carcass measures in broilers; E A Iyayi and F K Fayoyin

  10. Isolation and evaluation of endophyte microorganisms associated with alder (Alnus acuminata var. Acuminata); F H Orozco, M Medina and P Sarria (In Spanish)

  11. The role of livestock in poverty alleviation: An analysis of Colombia; F Holmann, L Rivas, N Urbina, B Rivera, L A Giraldo, S Guzman, M Martinez, A Medina and G Ramirez

  12. Typology of dairy cattle farming systems in the Gharb irrigated perimeter, Morocco; M T Sraïri and N Kiade

  13. Financial evaluation for beef and dual-purpose cattle systems in Tzucacab, Yucatan, Mexico; M Rejón, M Magaña, V Pechand J Santos (In Spanish)
