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Jackbean meal as a soybean meal substitute and lactic acid bacteria supplementation on the performance and health profile of IPB-D1 chickens

Muhammad Ridla1,2, Raudhoh Gholia Sakinah3, Widya Hermana2 and Nahrowi1,2

1 Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, Kampus Dramaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
2 Center for Tropical Animal Studies (CENTRAS), IPB University, Kampus IPB Baranangsiang, Jl. Raya Pajajaran, Bogor 16153, Indonesia
3 Study Program of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, Kampus Dramaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia


Jackbean (Canavalia ensiformis) is a high-energy, protein-rich feed ingredient that can replace soybean meal (SBM). However, Jackbean contains antinutrients like hydrocyanic acid. Pre-treating Jackbean by soaking and peeling reduces these antinutrients, allowing Jackbean meal (JBM) to be included in up to 10% of the diet. This research studied the effects of including 20% JBM as an SBM substitute in chicken feed, along with Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) supplementation, on IPB D1 chicken performance. Results showed variations in feed intake, body weight, and internal organ relative weight across treatments. Chickens fed treatment feed (J1L0, J1L1) had lower feed intake and body weight but higher feed conversion ratio (FCR). LAB supplementation improved feed intake, body weight, and FCR in both control and treatment feeds. While JBM negatively affected performance and internal organs’ relative weight, LAB supplementation mitigated these effects. Probiotics play a crucial role in poultry diets, counteracting antinutritional factors in feed ingredients like Jackbean meal.

Keywords: antinutrient, chicken health, probiotic, soybean meal, substitute


Jackbean (Canavalia ensiformis) is a promising local feed ingredient rich in energy and protein, suitable as a substitute for soybean meal (SBM) in rations (Mutia et al 2024). However, Jackbean contains antinutrients such as hydrocyanic acid at 21-51 ppm (Alifianty et al 2023), which can limit their use. Other antinutrients like trypsin inhibitors, lectins, haemagglutinin, and phytates, were well known for their protein-binding activities (Arise et al 2022).

Jackbeans, rich in phenolic compounds and flavonoids, are easier to cultivate and abundant in Indonesia, making them a promising option for feed ingredients (Yusuf et al 2022; Sutedja et al 2022). Although they contain anti-nutritional substances, pre-treatment methods can mitigate these risks. Processing by soaking Jackbeans for 3 hours and peeling them effectively reduces cyanide acid (HCN) content. This processed Jackbean meal (JBM) can replace SBM up to 10% without affecting vital organs, digestive organs, and immune organs (Alifianty et al 2023). Additionally, supplementing with exogenous enzymes like protease enzymes can enhance broiler health profile (Mahardhika et al 2021).

Using antibiotics in feed has negative side effects on livestock, including residues in meat and other animal products, which can harm consumer health (Arsène et al 2022). To overcome this problem, an alternative agent that can be used is a prebiotic, such as lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Probiotics LAB has various beneficial characteristics (Kaya et al 2022). Probiotics can help reduce the negative effects of antinutrients by increasing nutrient availability, promoting digestive enzyme production, and producing antimicrobial substances, thus improving livestock digestive health (Sjofjan et al 2021). In addition, Sari and Akbar (2019) reported that using LAB in drinking water could enhance broiler performance including better feed intake, body weight gain, and feed conversion ratio.

IPB D1 integrates rapid-growth genes from broiler chickens, making up 25% of its genetic composition, through a crossbreeding program that includes three local chicken lineages: Kampung, Pelung, and Sentul, each contributing 25% (Habib et al 2020). This selective breeding initiative was designed to address the slow growth rate typical of native breeds. Indigenous chickens are appreciated for their taste, resistance to diseases, and adaptability to local feed (Siddiqui et al 2024).

Previous studies have reported that IPB D1 chickens have achieved accelerated growth, reaching a slaughter weight of 1.18-1.36 kg when fed high levels of protein and metabolizable energy (21%, 2950 kcal/kg), and 0.967-1.17 kg when fed low-level protein and metabolizable energy (17%, 2689 kcal/kg) at 87 days of age (Habib et al 2020). This achievement (1.18-1.36 kg with high levels of protein and metabolizable energy) surpasses the weights of local chickens (1.04-1.07 kg) as reported by Nurhayu et al (2021).

This study aims to investigate the inclusion of 20% JBM as an SBM substitute in diets and LAB supplementation in drinking water on the performance and health profile of IPB D1 chickens.

Materials and methods

The study involved 240 IPB D1 chickens aged 1 to 63 days. During days 1-14, the chickens received commercial pre-starter broiler rations, and from days 15 to 63, they were given treatment diets. The nutritional composition of the Jackbean used in the study is detailed in Table 1. The Jackbeans were soaked for 3 hours, dried in an oven at 60°C, ground into JBM, and added to the feed mixture according to the treatment. Table 2 shows the composition of the treatment diet for both control and experimental (inclusion of 20% JBM) diets. Probiotics sourced from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN, Bogor) were administered via drinking water, containing Lactobacillus plantarum type lactic acid bacteria at a concentration of 107CFU mL-1. The treatments were categorized as follows: J0L0 (control feed without LAB), J0L1 (control feed with LAB), J1L0 (treatment feed without LAB), and J1L1 (treatment feed with LAB).

Chicken rearing

Chicken rearing was conducted for 63 days in the semi-close house system. Day-old chicks (DOC) were placed in each cage, accommodating 10 chickens per cage. During the initial 1-14 days the commercial feed was provided, and from 15 to 63 days the treatment feed was applied. The feed and the drinking water were provided ad libitum, with the volume measured before and after provision.

Table 1. The nutrient content of processed and used Jackbean in this experiment

Chemical Content


Cyanide acid, ppm


Dry matter, %


Crude ash, % DM


Crude protein, % DM


Ether extract, % DM


Crude fiber, % DM


Nonfiber carbohydrate, % DM


Table 2. Ingredient and nutrient content of experimental diets

Ingredient (%)



Yellow corn



Rice bran



Corn gluten meal



Soybean meal



Meat and bone meal



Jack bean meal



Crude palm oil
























Nutrient content

Cyanide acid, ppm



Dry matter, %



ME (Kcal kg-1)



Crude protein, %



Ether extract, %



Crude fiber, %



Lysine, %



Methionine, %



Ca, %



P avail., %



Na, %



Cl, %



Noted: CaCO3= Calcium Carbonate, NaCl= Natrium Chlorida, Ca = Calcium, P= Phospor, Na= Natrium, Cl= Chlorida.

Photo 1. Unprocessed Jackbean. Processed Jackbean. IPB D1 Chicken aged 28 and 56 days

Result and discussion

Chicken performance

The performance metrics of IPB D1 chickens, including feed intake (FI), body weight gain (BWG), final body weight (FBW), and feed conversion ratio (FCR), are detailed in Table 3. The results indicate that treatments inclusion of 20% JBM and prebiotic LAB supplementation in drinking water showed significant variation (p<0.05) across all parameter measurements at age 63 days.

During the entire rearing period from 15 to 63 days, feed intake ranged from 2785 g to 3051 g per chicken. The highest feed intake (p<0.05) was found in the control feed with prebiotic LAB supplementation (3051 g, J0L1). However, the inclusion of 20% Jackbean meal in the feed resulted in a significant decrease (p<0.05) in feed intake compared to the control feed, with the lowest intake observed in the treatment feed without prebiotic LAB supplementation (2785.33 g, J1L0). Interestingly, feed intake appeared to increase (p<0.05) with prebiotic LAB supplementation in the drinking water, both in the control (J0L1) and treatment feed (J1L1). These variations in feed intake could be attributed to the presence of antinutrients such as cyanide acid and the effects of prebiotic LAB.

Table 3. Growth performance at age 63 day






FI, g bird-1

2913.43 ± 318.39b

3151.88 ± 303.38a

2785.33 ± 304.66c

2803.00 ± 371.54c

BWG, g bird-1

726.15 ± 44.65b

873.89 ± 42.77a

686.88 ± 47.51c

698.77 ± 38.23c

FBW, g bird-1

976.83 ± 12.51b

1109.43 ± 13.62a

895.33 ± 18.0d

943 ± 18.45c


4.01 ± 0.47c

3.61 ± 0.48c

4.06 ± 0.34a

4.02 ± 0.28b

Note: J0L0 = Control feed without lactic acid bacteria; J0L1= Control feed with lactic acid bacteria;
J1L0 = Treatment feed without lactic acid bacteria; J1L1 = Treatment feed with lactic acid bacteria;
FI = Feed intake; BWG = Body weight gain; FBW = Final body weight; FCR = Feed conversion ratio.
abc Means in the same row without common letters are different at p<0.05.

The decrease in feed intake due to JBM inclusion aligns with other studies on both broiler chickens (Mahardhika et al 2023) and layer chickens (Fikriandi et al 2024), which have attributed this effect to antinutrients present in JBM. These antinutrients, such as trypsin inhibitors and cyanide acid, interfere with nutrient absorption and metabolism, leading to reduced feed efficiency (Aderibigbe et al 2020).

The negative effects of antinutrients in JBM in this experiment were mitigated by prebiotic LAB supplementation in drinking water, as indicated by the increased (p<0.05) feed intake in the treatment feed (J1L1), although the value was still lower than the control. Prebiotic LAB helps improve gut health and nutrient absorption, counteracting the adverse effects of antinutrients (Rehman et al 2020). Additionally, processing treatments such as soaking and peeling (Alifianty et al 2023) and enzyme addition (Mahardhika et al 2023) have been reported to minimize the impact of antinutrients on broiler chicken feed intake, making Jackbean meal a more viable feed ingredient.

Regarding body weight gain (BWG), the research indicated significant variation (p<0.05) in BWG across treatments. The BWG ranged from 686.88 to 873.89 g/bird. Similar to feed intake, the highest BWG was found in chickens fed the control feed in combination with prebiotic LAB in drinking water (J0L1). The BWG decreased (p<0.01) due to the addition of 20% JBM in the treatment feed (J1L0 and J1L1). Conversely, prebiotic LAB supplementation significantly improved (p<0.01) BWG for both control and treatment feed (J0L1 and J1L1). The decrease in BWG might be attributed to the reduced feed intake due to antinutritional factors in the ration fed to the IPB D1 chickens.

The effect of JBM inclusion in the chicken ration has been reported with varying results. Alifianty et al (2023) found no differences in the BWG of broiler chickens both fed a control and treatment rations containing JBM. On the other hand, a decrease in BWG due to JBM inclusion was reported by Mahardhika et al (2021). Furthermore, Mahardhika et al (2021) noted that the decrease in BWG could be mitigated by enzyme addition, which helps break down antinutrients and improve nutrient availability.

The feed conversion ratio (FCR) of IPB D1 chickens differed significantly (p<0.05) among treatments. JBM inclusion (J1L0 and J1L1) increased the FCR (p<0.05) compared to the control feed (J0L0 and J0L1). Conversely, prebiotic LAB supplementation significantly improved (p<0.05) FCR values in both the control (J0L1) and treatment feed (J1L1).

The FCR value is influenced by chicken breed and strain (Mohammed and Ameen 2023), feed nutrient content and consumption (Sinurat et al 2022), chicken age (Khwairakpam et al 2018), and housing type and environment (Farhadi and Hosseini 2014). Genetic differences impact feed conversion efficiency, and a balanced diet ensures optimal growth. Younger birds have different nutritional requirements compared to older ones, affecting FCR.

The effect of JBM inclusion on broiler chicken FCR varies. Some studies found no effect (Alifianty et al 2023), while others reported a decrease (Mahardhika et al 2021). Processing Jackbean, such as soaking and peeling, can reduce antinutritional factors, leading to more consistent results (Alifianty et al 2023). In this study, the FCR values for IPB D1 chickens ranged from 3.61 to 4.06, similar to slow-growing chickens like kampong chickens (KUB breed), which have FCRs of 3.50 to 4.92 (Sinurat et al 2020).

Immunity organs

Immunity organs protect the body naturally and in IPB-D1 chickens include the bursa of Fabricius, thymus, and spleen (Table 4). The percentage weight of the bursa of Fabricius varied significantly (p<0.05) among treatments, ranging from 0.04%-0.09%. This is smaller compared to Fajrih et al (2014), who reported 0.12%-0.33% in crossbred local chickens at 63 days of age. The higher value in J1L0 may be due to 20% JBM substitution, containing antinutrients, and the absence of probiotics that enhance mucosal immune response, stimulating the organ to produce antibodies and increasing its weight (Fajrih et al 2014).

The thymus weight percentage showed no differences across treatments, ranging from 0.30% to 0.38%, within the normal range found by Salsabila et al (2022) (0.23%-0.38%). This indicates that 20% of JBM did not harm the thymus.

The average spleen weight varied significantly (p<0.05), ranging from 0.20%-0.33%, which is larger than the 0.14%-0.19% reported by Fahrina et al (2021) in 84-day-old IPB-D3 chickens. The decreased spleen weight (p<0.05) in treatment feeds (J1L0 and J1L1) compared to control feeds (J0L0 and J0L1) may be due to the antinutrients in 20% JBM. An enlarged spleen above the normal range may indicate compensation for a malfunctioning bursa of Fabricius (Sato et al 2009).

Table 4. Immunity and vital organs at age 63 days






Immunity organs (% body weight)

Bursa Fabrisius

0.05 ± 0.01b

0.04 ± 0.005b

0.09 ± 0.02a

0.06 ± 0.03ab


0.30 ± 0.05

0.30 ± 0.12

0.38 ± 0.05

0.35 ± 0.03


0.33 ± 0.14a

0.33 ± 0.12a

0.22 ± 0.06b

0.20 ± 0.06b

Vital organs (% body weight)
















Note: J0L0 = Control feed without lactic acid bacteria; J0L1= Control feed with lactic acid bacteria;
J1L0 = Treatment feed without lactic acid bacteria; J1L1 = Treatment feed with lactic acid bacteria.
abcMeans in the same row without common letters are different at p<0.05.

Vital organs

The percentage weights of vital and immune organs in 63-day-old IPB-D1 chickens are shown in Table 4. The study found significant (p<0.05) effects of 20% JBM inclusion in feed and lactic acid bacteria in drinking water on the liver, heart, and kidneys.

The inclusion of 20% JBM significantly (p<0.05) increased liver weight percentage, ranging from 1.95% to 2.15%, within normal limits similar to Khairati et al (2024). The liver's increased weight suggests it is working harder to detoxify HCN in the JBM, converting it to thiocyanate with rhodanese enzyme assistance (Ejiro and Ogheneovo 2015).

Heart weight percentage, ranging from 0.47% to 0.49%, showed no significant difference (p>0.05) with JBM or lactic acid bacteria. These values align with Khairati et al (2024). The heart, vital for blood circulation and susceptible to toxins, distributes blood to the lungs for gas exchange (Pittman 2011).

The inclusion of 20% JBM significantly (p<0.05) increased kidney weight percentage, ranging from 0.49% to 0.67%, similar to Khairati et al (2024). The kidneys, crucial for urine production and fluid balance regulation, showed enlargement due to increased activity (Masti et al 2020). Factors influencing kidney size include age, sex, metabolic energy, and dietary protein (Chaudhary et al 2023).

Blood profile

Results of this study showed that the inclusion of 20% JBM and water-soluble probiotics did not have any impact on the blood profile of IPB-D1 chickens, as shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Complete blood profile






Erythrocytes (million ml-1)

2.02 ± 0.09

2.04 ± 0.06

2.04 ± 0.06

2.15 ± 0.05

Hemoglobin (g/dl)

9.28 ± 0.81

8.52 ± 0.74

9.84 ± 0.71

9.03 ± 0.47

Leukocytes (thousand ml-1)

10.76 ± 2.98

14.38 ± 2.27

12.82 ± 2.47

16.12 ± 3.60

Hematocrit (%)

26.60 ± 2.07

26.80 ± 1.92

24.60 ± 2.07

25.32 ± 1.58

Lymphocytes (%)

44.08 ± 2.42

47.06 ± 4.80

47.09 ± 4.77

49.04 ± 4.08

Heterophile (%)

41.47 ± 1.64

39.63 ± 4.64

38.48 ± 6.38

38.61 ± 5.03

Eosinophils (%)

5.78 ± 0.23

5.35 ± 0.31

6.01 ± 0.36

6.11 ± 0.46

Monocytes (%)

5.07 ± 0.26

4.97 ± 0.55

4.66 ± 0.66

4.63 ± 0.40

Basophils (%)

0.88 ± 0.03

0.89 ± 0.03

0.83 ± 0.05

0.85 ± 0.04

H/L Ratio

0.74 ± 0.42

0.62 ± 0.35

0.79 ± 0.23

0.57 ± 0.14

Note: J0L0 = Control feed without lactic acid bacteria; J0L1= Control feed with lactic acid bacteria; J1L0 = Treatment feed without lactic acid bacteria; J1L1 = Treatment feed with lactic acid bacteria.

The erythrocyte levels in this study ranged from 2.02 to 2.15 million/ml, within the normal range of 2.0-3.2 million/ml (Iftitah et al 2022), indicating well-functioning metabolic processes and optimal nutrient absorption for red blood cell formation (Irawan et al 2020). Hemoglobin levels ranged from 8.52 to 9.84 g/dl, and hematocrit values, representing the percentage of red blood cells, ranged from 24.60% to 26.80%, aligning with normal ranges reported by Khairati et al (2024) and Fahrina et al (2021) for IPB-D1 and IPB-D3 chickens.

Leukocyte levels were 10.76-16.12 thousand/ml, similar to Khairati et al (2021) findings for IPB-D1 chickens fed 15% BSF meal. Leukocytes include granulocytes and agranulocytes (Asmara et al 2019). The heterophil-lymphocyte (H/L) ratio, a stress indicator, ranged from 0.57 to 0.79. According to Talebi et al (2005), the normal range is 0.20 to 0.80. Siegel (1995) suggests 0.2 indicates low stress, 0.3-0.5 moderate stress, and 0.6-0.8 high stress. The H/L ratio in all treatments indicated low to high stress levels.

Digestive organ

The percentage of weight and relative length of the digestive tract organs of IPB-D1 chickens aged 63 days are noted in Table 6. The results of the study showed that the weight and relative length of the digestive organs increased (p<0.05) due to the treatment of using JBM in the feed. Conversely, LAB in drinking water decreased (p<0.05) the weight and relative length of these organs.

Table 6. Weight and length of digestive organ






% body weight














































cm/100 g body weight


























Note: J0L0 = Control feed without lactic acid bacteria; J0L1= Control feed with lactic acid bacteria; J1L0 = Treatment feed without lactic acid bacteria; J1L1 = Treatment feed with lactic acid bacteria. abcMeans in the same row without common letters are different at p<0.05.

The inclusion of 20% Jackbean flour (JBM) significantly (p<0.05) increased the pancreas (0.20%-0.24%), gallbladder (0.07%-0.13%), and proventriculus (0.50%-0.56%) weights, similar to findings by Alifianty et al (2023). The pancreas responded to JBM's antinutrients by increasing digestive enzyme production (Akande 2016). Increased gallbladder weight (Hermana et al 2005) and proventriculus activity (Manuba et al 2017) reflect enhanced bile secretion and enzyme production.

Gizzard weight (2.84%-3.01%) showed no significant difference (p>0.05), consistent with Hermana et al (2005), influenced by feed characteristics. Lactic acid bacteria reduced duodenum weight but 20% JBM increased both duodenum weight (0.64%-0.76%) and length (2.79-3.24 cm/100g BW), aligning with Alifianty (2023). Jejunum weight (1.10%-1.38%) and length (5.86-6.81 cm/100g BW) increased with JBM, while lactic acid bacteria decreased jejunum weight, reflecting their effects on intestinal health (Mahardhika et al 2021). Ileum weight (0.76%-0.94%) and length (5.71-6.93 cm/100g BW) increased with JBM, affecting nutrient absorption (Metin et al 2020). Cecum weight (0.38%-0.48%) increased with JBM, contrasting with decreased length due to lactic acid bacteria (Sharifi et al 2012). Colon weight (0.17%-0.22%) increased with lactic acid bacteria, indicating enhanced nutrient absorption (Lestari et al 2020).


This research was funded by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology under the 2024 Research program implementation, Contract number: 027/E5/PG.02.00.PL/2024 dated 11 June 2024.


While the inclusion of 20% Jackbean meal in the ration negatively affected chicken performance and organ weight, adding lactic acid bacteria to the drinking water demonstrated a beneficial effect, improving both chicken performance and organ weight. This shows that using 20% Jackbean meal in feed is too high. It is recommended to reduce this amount and supplement the poultry diet with lactic acid bacteria to counter the adverse effects of anti-nutritional factors in feed ingredients such as Jackbean meal.


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