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Productivity of Gudali cattle farms located in the commons of Malancity and Karimama extreme north of Benin

S A Assani, B Assogba, Y Toukourou and I T Alkoiret

Laboratory of Ecology, Health and Animal Production, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Parakou, Po Box 123 Parakou, Benin Republic,


A study involving 30 cattle herds with a total of 1680 head was carried out in the commons of Malancity and Karimama (extreme north of Benin) to compare the productivity of three types of Gudali cattle breeding systems: great transhumant livestock (type 1), periurban sedentary livestock (type 2) and the small purebred Fulani livestock (type 3).

The type of cattle farms had a significant effect (p <0.05) on birth weight (26.7 vs. 23.0 vs. 25.6 kg), weight at three months (78.8 vs. 63.3 vs. 73.0 kg) and five months of age (95.3 vs. 80.0 vs. 89.5 kg) for calves types 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The type of cattle farms had also a significant effect on the quantity of milk taken at the 12th week of lactation (4.7 vs. 3.7 vs. 5.2 kg) for types 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Demographic parameters (mortality rate, fertility rate and the proportion of cows) from herds surveyed were significantly (p <0.05) influenced by the type of cattle farms. Thus, the proportion of cows was higher (p <0.05) in herds of type 3 (36.3 vs. 19.5 and 31.1 % for types 1 and 2 respectively). The rate of the mortality rate before weaning was higher (p <0.05) in herds of types 1 and 3 (14.7 and 11.2% vs. 5.7% for type 2). The fertility rate was higher (p <0.05) in type 2 herds (91.1 vs. 65.5 and 64.1% for types 1 and 3 respectively). The weaning productivity was lower (p <0.05) in types 1 and 3 (56.9 and 56.1% vs. 86.7% for type 2). This study showed that animals of type 1 herds had better growth performance, while herds of type 2 had the best demographic parameters. Type 3 herds are distinguished by better milk production.

Keywords: fertility, growth, herd’ structure, milk offtake, mortality, offtake rate, productivity at weaning


The livestock sector accounts for 40% of global agricultural output and supports the livelihoods and food security of almost a billion people (FAO 2009). In Benin, livestock contributes 25% to agricultural GDP and provides security for families. The cattle developed mainly in the northern departments of the country where are concentrated almost 85% of the national herd (Tidjani et al 2006).

The cattle population of Benin estimated in 2013 to 2,116,000 head (FAO 2015) consists of African humpless trypanotolerant breeds (Borgu, Somba and Lagune), zebu (M'bororo, Gudali and White Fulani) and cross-breeds from their crossing. The geographical distribution of these different cattle breeds under the influence of climatic factors affecting feed resources and the importance of the presence of tsetse vectors of trypanosomiasis (Doko 1991; Dehoux and Hounsou-Vê 1993). Indeed, Trypanosomiasis was one of the main bottlenecks in the breeding of zebu breeds, as 80% of the territory of Benin were in the prevalence of this disease area. Only the extreme north of the country (Commons of Malancity and Karimama) was free from this disease. Hence the rise of the breeding of zebu cattle such as M'bororo, White Fulani and Gudali in this region. This last cattle breed appears very interesting for its milking ability (Domingo 1976; Gandah 1989), his butcher performance and efficiency for field work.

To determine the main limiting factors, modes of operation and productivity of Gudali cattle farms in the commons of Malancity and Karimama, zootechnical diagnosis was made. The typology of Gudali cattle farms in the commons of Malancity and Karimama was the starting point of this zootechnical diagnosis (Assani and Alkoiret 2014). Three types of cattle farms have been identified (Assani and Alkoiret 2014): great transhumant livestock (type 1), periurban sedentary livestock (type 2) and the small purebred Fulani livestock (type 3). These three types of cattle farms were distinguished by geographic location, age and ethnicity of the farmer, herd size, breed of animals and husbandry practices adopted (Assani and Alkoiret 2014).

This study aims to compare the productivity of different types of cattle farms identified in the commons of Malancity and Karimamaand present the main results obtained on demographics and herd structure and the main parameters of production and reproduction.

Materials and Methods

Study environment

This study was carried out in the commons of Malancity and Karimama located in the extreme north of Benin between parallels 11°50' and 12° 25' north latitude and meridians 43°2' and 3°20' East longitude. Two municipalities cover an area of 9057 km² (Guidibi and Adjovi 2006a; 2006b). The Malancity common terrain consists of a set of plains and valleys embedded between the Niger River and some plateaus and hills ironstone. As for the Karimama, it had a rugged terrain and was dominated by depressions and elevations were the hills of gravel and ferruginous quartzite. The climate was Sudano-Sahelian with a dry season from October to April and a rainy season from May to September. The average annual rainfall calculated over a thirty year period (1980 to 2010) was 833 mm. The annual average temperature over the same period was 28.2 °C, while the relative humidity ranges from 24% in February to 82% in August. The vegetation consists of shrub and tree savannahs and woodlands and galleries. The area was subject to two types of winds: sea breeze that blows from April to October, and the Harmattan blows from November to March.

Survey Methodology

The retrospective method for estimating demographic parameters in tropical ruminant livestock population developed by Lhoste et al (1993) and used by Alkoiret et al (2011) was used in this study. Ten herds were selected randomly from each of the three types of cattle farms identified in the commons of Malancity and Karimama (Assani and Alkoiret 2014) to make the sample comprising 30 herds with a total of 1680 head. The surveys were conducted using a semi-structured interview guide. Individual interviews with the herdsmen were used to collect information on events in the herds (birth, purchase, death, sale, gift, exchange, late pregnancy, parturition, abortion and stillbirth) and the herd structure (female calves, heifers, cows, male calves, subadult bulls and reproductive bulls). The data were collected for the last 12 months preceding the survey and were subsequently verified and completed during the counting and categorizing of each herd.

Determination of milk production

In each herd of the sample, the cows that calved during the investigation were subject to milk production control at the 12th week of lactation, which is considered the peak of lactation in local breed cows (Ouédraogo 1995;Koanda 1995). Hand milking was done by the herdsmen twice a day (7 a.m. and 18 p.m.). Calves were allowed to suck for about one minute in order to stimulate milk let down. They were then tied in front of their dams while cows were hand milked. Partial milking was done in order to reserve milk for sucking calves which were prevented from sucking the dams. After milking, calves were allowed to resuckle their respective dams for 30 minute. The daily milk offtake (i.e. extractable milk for human consumption) at the 12th week of lactation (MO) was the sum of the morning and evening milk offtake and was weighed using a balance (50 g sensitivity). The amount of milk consumed by calves (CM) was determined from the equations developed by Koanda (1995) on the Fulani Zebu in Burkina Faso:

For males, CM (g) = 795.03 + 4.17x ADG + 12.47x Pi (Koanda 1995)
For females, CM (g) =951.01 + 2.22 x ADG + 42.50x Pi (Koanda 1995)

CM = Amount of milk consumed (g)
ADG= Average Daily Gain (g/day)
Pi = Birth weight (kg).

Animal weighting

The weight of calves at birth, 3 and 5 months of age were identified using a balance (100 g sensitivity). Weightings were made early in the morning before the access of calves to feed and check for pasture.

Demographic parameters of the herds surveyed

Demographic parameters of the herds were calculated using the formulas proposed by Lhoste et al (1993):

Statistical Analysis

The characters analysed were: the daily milk offtake at the 12th week of lactation (MO), the quantity of milk consumed by the calf of 0-5 months of age (CM), the weights of calves at birth (P0), 3 months (P3) and 5 months old (P5). The fixed factors tested were: the type of cattle farms, sex of calf, breed of animals and the lactation number of cows.The data were analysed according to the fixed linear model below using the general linear models (GLM) procedure of the software SAS (2003). Duncan's test was used to compare least squares means significantly different.

Yijk = µ + Ti + Pj + Rk + Eijk

Yijk = observed character (MO, CM, P0, P3, P5);µ = overall mean;
Ti = fixed effect of the type of cattle farms (T = 1, 2, 3; 3 classes);
Pj = fixed effect of sex of calf (P = female, male; 2 classes) or fixed effect of lactation number of cows (P = L1-2, L3-5, L ≥ 6; 3 classes);
Rk = fixed effect of animal breed (R = purebred Gudali, crossbreed Gudali; 2 classes);
Eijk = random residual effect.

Demographic parameters of the herds were subjected to analysis of variance ANOVA (type of cattle farms) in SAS (2003). If F test was significant, the means were compared with the Fisher LSD test.


Milk production

The type of cattle farms had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the daily milk offtake (MO) at the 12th week of lactation (Table 1). The MO was higher (p<0.05) in type 3 cattle farms, following by type 1 nomadic herds and finally type 2 herds. The effect of lactation number on MO was significant (p<0.05). Breeders took more (p<0.05) milk from cows whose lactation numbers were between 3 and 5, followed by those with lactation number superior or equal to 6. By cons, cows in early career (L1-2) were less (p<0.05) collected. The amount of milk consumed by calves during the period of 0-5 months (CM) was significantly (p<0.05) affected by the type of cattle farms and the lactation number (Table 1). Indeed the amount of milk consumed by calves in type 2 cattle farms was significantly lower (P <0.05) than that consumed by calves in type 1 and 3 cattle farms. The lactation number had a significant influence (P <0.05) on CM. Thus, the amount of milk consumed by the calves’ increased with first calves to peak at 3-5 lactations before falling from the 6th lactation. The breed had no significant effect (P> 0.05) on the amount of milk consumed by the calves.

Table 1. Least squares means (LSM) and standard errors (SE) for daily milk offtake (MO) and amount of milk consumed by the calves (CM)
Sources of variation MO, kg CM, kg
Type of cattle farms
1 41 4.70a 0.25 51 449a 3.40
2 10 3.71b 0.31 10 413b 8.15
3 36 5.21a 0.30 25 454a 3.52
Lactation number
L 1-2 40 3.20c 0.14 23 419c 3.46
L 3-5 26 6.58a 0.27 30 462a 2.51
L ≥6 21 4.21b 0.24 29 431b 4.67
Purebred Gudali - - - 64 448 2.80
Crossbreed Gudali - - - 18 453 7.63
a,b,cLeast-squares means with different superscript letters on the same column differ significantly (p<0.05)
Calves growth performances

The type of cattle farms had a significant effect (p<0.05) on calves body weight at all ages considered (Table 2). Whether at birth, 3 or 5 months of age, live weight of calves of type 1 herds were the highest (p<0.05), followed by type 3 cattle farms.

Table 2. Least squares means (LSM) and standard errors (SE) for calves’ body weight (Kg) at birth, 3 and 5 months of age.
Sources of variation Weight at birth Weight at 3 months Weight at 5 months
Type of cattle farms
1 53 26.7a 0.34 39 78.8a 0.86 26 95.3a 1.03
2 12 23.0b 0.86 18 63.3c 0.87 16 80.0c 0.90
3 22 25.7a 0.63 25 73.0b 1.62 22 89.5b 1.81
Female 43 24.8b 0.41 38 74.6b 1.28 26 91.1b 1.56
Male 44 27.0a 0.40 44 77.4a 1.10 38 93.6a 1.20
Purebred Gudali 71 25.7b 0.34 64 75.1 1.01 52 91.6 1.16
Crossbreed Gudali 16 27.5a 0.57 18 78.8 0.71 12 95.2 0.92
a,b,cLeast-squares means with different superscript letters on the same column differ significantly (p<0.05)

The lowest body weight (p<0.05) were recorded in type 2 herds. The effect of sex on calf body weight was significant (p<0.05) at birth, at 3 months and at 5 months of age, live weight of males was higher (p<0.05) than females. The breed of calves had a significant effect (p<0.05) on their weight at birth, 3 and 6 months of age (Table 2). Thus, crossbreed calves had the highest body weights (p<0.05), followed by Gudali’s calves.

Herd’s structure

The reports of the various animal categories in the herd structure (Table 3) showed significant variations (p<0.05). Thus, the proportion of cows was higher (p<0.05) in herds in types 1 and 3 compared with type 2. For cons, the proportion of heifer type 2 herds was higher (p<0.05) than that of types 1 and 3 (Table 3). The proportions of female calves and total female were identical (p>0.05) in the 3 types of cattle farms studied.

Table 3. Herd structrure (%) by the type of Gudali cattle farms identified in the commons of Malancity and Karimama
Animal categories Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 SEM Prob.
Female (%)
Female calves 12.6 10.6 8.70 0.75 0.11
Heifers 18.5b 27.2a 18.2b 1.24 0.01
Cows 31.1a 19.5b 36.3a 1.80 0.0001
Total Female 62.2 57.3 63.2 1.41 0.19
Male (%)
Male calves 11.9 9.50 8.50 1.18 0.48
Subadult bulls 15.3 19.8 17.5 0.56 0.43
Reproductive bulls 10.5 13.3 10.9 0.90 0.20
Total Male 37.7 42.6 36.7 1.41 0.28
Herd size (heads) 86a 21b 47a 1.48 0.01
a,b,cMeans with different superscript letters on the same row differ significantly (p<0.05)

The type of cattle farms had no significant effect (p>0.05) on the proportions of males. But the part of reproductive bulls in the herds of type 2 was higher (p>0.05) than those of types 1 and 3. The average size of type 1 and 3 herds was respectively 4 and 2 times higher (p<0.05) than that of type 2.

Demographic parameters

Herds in type 2 cattle farms had the best (p<0.05) reproductive parameters (Table 4), characterized by the highest (p<0.05) parturition and fertility rates (p<0.05), the lowest (p<0.05) abortion rate and the best (p<0.05) weaning productivity (Table 4).

Table 4. Demographic parameters by the type of Gudali cattle farms identified in the commons of Malancity and Karimama.
Parameters, % Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 SEM Prob.
Natural rates:
Abortion rate 8.60a 2.70b 5.50ab 0.92 0.02
Parturition rate 70.7b 92.8a 67.5b 2.70 0.0001
Fertility rate 65.5b 91.1a 64.1b 3.02 0.0001
Stillbirth rate 7.40 2.02 5.15 0.10 0.07
Pre-weaning mortality rate 14.7a 5.70b 11.2a 2.28 0.02
Overall mortality rate 3.81a 2.50b 4.17a 0.63 0.04
Weaning productivity 56.1b 86.7a 56.9b 3.80 0.0001
Management rates:
Offtake rate 6.31a 0.77b 8.47a 0.76 0.0001
Intake rate 5.41 1.51 3.72 0.77 0.11
Net offtake rate 0.90 -0.74 4.75 1.00 0.06
a,b,cMeans with different superscript letters on the same row differ significantly (p<0.05)

The sedentary periurban cattle farms (Type 2) had the lowest (p<0.05) pre-weaning and overall mortality rates. By contrast, the type of cattle farms did not affect (p>0.05) the rate of stillbirth (Table 2). The offtake rate was higher (p<0.05) in type 3 herds and the intake rate was the same (p>0.05) in the three types of cattle farms surveyed. The net offtake rate was negative in the type 2 cattle farms and less (p>0.05) than that of the types 1 and 3 herds which was positive.


The effect of the type of cattle farms on MO and CM is linked both to the milk production of the animals and also the number of milking cows in the herd. Thus, breeders of type 3 with few cows tend to take more milk than those of types1 and 2 with a lot of cows, thus reducing the amount of available milk for calves. The evolution of milk production with lactation number is well known. Ouedraogo (1995) noted an increase in milk production in zebu’ cows from 1st to 3rd row of calving in improved breeding at Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). Senou et al (2009) observed on Borgou cows daily milk production of 1.37, 1.63 and 2.43 l / d for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th lactations respectively. This increase in milk production is linked to lower growth needs of cows completing their growth at the end of the 2nd lactation. From the 6th lactation, milk production drops because the cows become old (Rivière 1991).

The superiority of weight according to age groups of calves of type 1 could be explained by the mode of breeding used and the breed of animals raised. In fact, herds of type 2 are sedentary, those with type 1 are predominantly transhumant and type 2 consists of both sedentary and transhumant herds (Assani and Alkoiret, 2014). However, it was established that the transhumance mode of breeding, promotes better weight gain in animals with a longer grazing time and the continued displacement of animals in search of green pastures (Dehoux and Houssou-Ve 1993; Alkoiret et al 2011). According Tawah et al (2004) crossbreed N’bororo*Gudali calves (Type 1) had a higher body weight than calves Gudali (Type 2 and 3). Tawah and Mbah (1993) established on cattle of Gudali’ breed, average birth weight of 22 kg at Bulassa and Dogondajiless than that of type 1 calves. The weights of type 1 calves are comparable to those of peri-urban livestock in Burkina-Faso (Hamani et al 2005).

The high proportion of cows in the type 2 herds is related to the acquisition mode of the animals that were purchased at almost 2/3 (Assani and Alkoiret 2014) and not the result of natural increase of the herd size. Moreover, these herds content a high number of draft animals, hence the high proportion of reproductive bulls. The cattle herd’ structure in the commons of Malancity and Karimama is consistent with observations made in the traditional herds in eastern of Borgou department of Benin (Dehoux and Housssou-Ve 1993), in the district of Gogounou in northeast Benin (Alkoiret et al 2010a), in the ranch of Okpara, Benin (Alkoiret et al 2010b) and in a rural highland district of Ethiopia (Boji, West Wellega) on Horro cattle (Lesnoff et al 2002).

The superiority of the reproductive and mortality parameters in herds of type 2 is due to the sedentary farming method, associated with agriculture practiced by agropastoralists of this type. In addition, herds of type 2 with low size had benefited from improved farming conditions and had more reproductive bulls, hence the improvement of reproductive performances. The combination of low mortality parameters and offtake rate to high reproduction rate, resulting in improved productivity at weaning and numerical yield of Type 2 herds. Dehoux and Hounsou-Ve (1993) obtained in their study area (northeast of Benin) a fertility rate of 65.4% and an abortion rate of 4%, lower than that of Ouake district. The mortality rates in this study are higher than those of cattle herds in the district of Gogounou (Alkoiret et al 2010a) and those recorded at the ranch of Wakwain Cameroon (Mbah et al 1991).



The authors express their gratitude to the Scientific Council of the University of Parakou for funding this study and the zebu Gudali breeders of Malancity and Karimama Commons for their frank and valuable cooperation during this study.


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Received 1 May 2015; Accepted 13 May 2015; Published 2 July 2015

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