Livestock Research for Rural Development 34 (10) 2022 | LRRD Search | LRRD Misssion | Guide for preparation of papers | LRRD Newsletter | Citation of this paper |
The objective of this study was to evaluate growth and reproductive performance of Doyogena sheep in Ethiopia. Records used in the study were collected from (2013 to 2018). For this study, 2990 records of selected animals for economically important growth, and reproductive traits were considered. Studied traits were birth weight (BWT), 3-month weight (WWT), 6-month weight (SMWT), daily gain from birth to weaning (ADG0-3), daily gains from weaning to 6-month(ADG3-6), daily gain from birth to 6-month age (ADG0-6), litter size (LS), lambing interval (LI), age at first lambing (AFL) and annual reproductive rate (ARR). The data were analyzed using general linear models of SAS program. The overall least-squares means (LSM± SE) for BWT, WWT, and SMWT were 3.05±0.02; 14.8±2.49, and 22.8±0.22 kg respectively. The overall LSM±SE for reproductive performance: LS, LI, ARR, and AFL were 1.56±0.02 lambs, 281.22 ± 8.8 days, 2.16±0.06 lambs, and 437.43±31 days, respectively. The poor rainy season had heavier WWT (14.44 kg) than the main rainy (13.95 kg) and dry seasons (14.12 kg). Single-born lambs had higher BWT and WWT. The BWT (3.13 kg), WWT (14.84 kg), and SMWT (23.22 kg) of male lamb had higher than female BWT (2.88 kg), WWT (13.50, kg), and SMWT (20.59 kg). Parity six and parity seven lambed ewes had larger litter sizes. The lambing interval of ewes was slightly influenced by ewe parities and the first parity ewes lambed was the longer lambing interval. Different fixed effects influenced both reproductive and growth performances and need to be considered during the selection program. Phenotypic performance for most of the studied traits has shown promising results. Thus, continuation of selection is therefore recommended for bringing further improvement in the performance of Doyogena sheep.
Keywords: lambing interval, litter size, six-month weight, Doyogena sheep, weaning weight
Community-based breeding programs (CBBPs) have recently attracted global interest as sheep genetic improvement strategies in low input systems (Lamuno et al 2018; Haile et al 2019). CBBP has been designed to ensure the involvement of farmers (target groups) in all steps of the breeding program (Mueller et al 2015). In Ethiopia, in 2012, the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), in partnership with the Southern Agricultural Research Institute (SARI), Areka Agricultural Research Centre (AARC) adopted CBBP in the Doyogena district to improve Doyogena sheep.
The Doyogena sheep was previously known as Adilo sheep. The sheep have known for their attractive morphological features with great potential for twining and fattening. The breeding objective traits identified by participant farmers were growth rate, tail type, presence of horn, twining rate, mothering ability, and coat color (Taye et al 2016). Subsequently, on-farm data collection of economically important traits focusing on quantitative traits has been recorded. Birth weight, birth date, sex of lamb, weaning weight (at three months age), six months weight, dam parity, and type of birth are the major variables being recorded. These economically important traits are influenced by environmental factors, such as parity of dam, sex of lamb, birth year/lambing year, and birth season/lambing season. Therefore, to have maximum genetic improvement through selection, it is critical to devise effective selection program and reliable evaluation of non-genetic factors. Therefore, the present study has been planned to evaluate the reproductive and growth performance of Doyogena sheep under CBBP.
The study area (Doyogena sheep CBBP) was found in the Kembata Tembaro Zone of southern Ethiopia at a distance of 258 km to the Southwest of Addis Ababa (national capital). The district is located between 7° 20' N latitude and 37° 50' E longitude. Altitude ranges from 1900 to 2800 m above sea level. The district received an average rainfall of 1221 mm between 2013 to 2017 and the smallest total annual rainfall is recorded in 2017.
Animals were identified by plastic ear tags. In each of the breeder cooperatives, an enumerator was employed for routine animal identification, data recording, and follow-up. Enumerators use herd books for data recording. The selection of breeding rams takes place on a programmed date, twice per year. In the first stage, candidate ram's pre-selection and ranking take place based on weaning weight (WWT); lambs were weaned at the age of 90 days(three months of age). In the second stage, breeding rams ranking is carried out based on six months weight (SMWT) estimated breeding values (EBVs). Top (10% of the candidate) breeding rams were retained for breeding to be used in the community flock while the next best (positive EBVs) were sold for breeding purposes to other communities.
Culled males (negative EBVs) were either castrated or marketed to prevent unwanted mating (Haile et al 2019). Selected best breeding rams usually serve not more than one year in the community flock. The main feed sources for animals included Enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw. Chessman) products of Amicho, corm, crop residue, improved forage/grass, crop aftermath, kitchen leftover, and purchased concentrates. Flocks graze with tethering on the small private land. Free veterinary service was provided for CBBP participant farmers by ICARDA and SARI.
Data used for the study were obtained from the ongoing five breeder cooperatives. The performance data along with pedigree information is being maintained in the recording data-recording book of individual breeder cooperatives. The data routinely collected by the enumerators were recorded at the time of the event. The birth weight (BWT) was recorded within 24 hours of lambing; weaning weight (WWT) was taken from 90 days of age, and 6-month weight was taken at 180 days of age.
The daily body weight gains from birth to weaning age; weaning to six months of age, and birth to six months of age were estimated as:
![]() |
BWT=Birth weight, kg
AWWT=Adjusted weaning weight at 90 days, kg
A6MWT=Adjusted 6-month weight at 180 days, kg
Annual reproductive rate (ARR) for Doyogena ewes was calculated by the following formula adopted by Ibrahim (1998).
![]() |
The detail of ARR method of estimation was clearly explained by Wilson (1986) and Ibrahim (1998).
Data used for analysis included birth weight, three-month weight, 6-month weight, age at first lambing, lambing interval, liter size, and ARR. Before conducting the main analysis, data were checked for homogeneity and normality test. Data were analyzed using the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) procedures of SAS version 9.2. The factors used in the model included a year of birth/lambing (2013 to 2018), season (main rainy season, poor rainy and dry season), sex (male and female), parity (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and ≥7), birth type (single, twin, and triplet or above) and site (Ancha, Hawora, Serera, Begedamo, and Murasa). The Tukey–Kramer test was used to separate least-squares means with more than two levels.
The model for growth traits and daily weight gain traits was as follows,
Yijklmno= μ + Pi + Sj + Bk + Yl +Sem+Sxn+(Yi*Sem)+(Bk*Yl)+eijklmno
Yijklmno = growth trait for each animal
µ = overall mean,
Pi = ith parity (i= 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ≥7)
Sj = jth site (j=Ancha, Hawora, Serera, Murasa and Begedamo)
Bk = kth birth type (k = single, twin, triplet, and above)
Yl = lth year (l=2013 -2018)
Sem = mth season (m=main rainy season, poor rainy, and dry season)
Sxn= nth sex (n = male, female)
Yl*Sem=the interaction between year and season of lambing;
Bk*Yl=the interaction between birth type and year of lambing and
eijklmno = random error
The model for lambing interval, litter size, and ARR was as follows,
Yijklmn= μ + Pi + Sj + Bk + Yl +Sem+(Yi*Sem)+e ijklmn
Yijklmn = reproductive trait for each animal
µ = overall mean,
Pi = ith parity (i=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ≥7)
Sj = jth site (j= Ancha, Hawora, Serera, Murasa and Begedamo)
Bk = kth birth type (k = single, twin, triplet, and above)
Yl = lth year (l=2013 -2018)
Sem = mth season (m=main rainy season, poor rainy, dry season)
Yl*Sem=the interaction between lambing year and lambing season
eijklmn = random error
Notice: The fixed effect birth type was not used for litter size (a litter is the live birth of multiple offspring at one time from the same ewes)
The model for age at first lambing was as follows,
Yijkl= μ + Bi + Sj + Yk + e ijkl
Yijkl=Age at first lambing
μ = Overall mean
Bi = ith birth type (i=single, twin)
Sj= jth season (j=main rainy season, poor rainy and dry season)
Yk= kth year (k=2014-2018)
eijkl= random error
The least-squares means of birth weight are presented in Table 1. The overall least squares mean of BWT was 3.05±0.03 kg and the effect of site, type of birth, lambing year, sex, the interaction effect between year and season, and the interaction effect between litter size and year all exerted significant effect on birth weight (p<0.01). Parity was also significant at p=0.04 on BWT. However, the effect of lambing season was found to be non-significant. The difference in the LSM ± SE between single, twin, and triplet and above lambs was significant (p<0.01), the values being 3.45±0.03, 3.09±0.02, and 2.48±0.04 lambs for single, twin, and triplet and above, respectively. Berhanu and Aynalem (2009) have reported similar results. The LSM ± SE of BWT for years were 3.20±0.08, 3.22±0.05, 3.06±0.03, 2.91±0.03, 2.65±0.03, and 3.01±0.03 kg in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, respectively. The smaller mean of BWT in 2017 could be due to the variation in the environment or management over the years. BWT of male lambs was found significantly heavier than their female counterparts (3.14±0.03 kg vs 2.88±0.03 kg; p<0.001). The BWT of Doyogena sheep (3.05±0.025 kg) was nearly comparable with the BWT of Horro sheep (3.12±0.13Kg (Haile et al 2014), and heavier than the Menz sheep (Haile et al 2014). Haile et al (2014) and Mestafe (2015) reported heavier than this finding for Bonga sheep under CBBP.
Table 1. Least squares means and standard error (LSM ± SE) of growth performance traits |
Source of Variation |
BWT (Kg) |
WWT (Kg) |
SMWT (Kg) |
N |
mean ±SE |
N |
Mean ±SE |
N |
Overall |
2992 |
3.05±0.02 |
2121 |
14.8±2.49 |
1304 |
22±0.22 |
CV% |
17.14 |
16.86 |
13.25 |
Parity |
0.0402 |
0.7261 |
0.1767 |
Parity 1 |
1422 |
3.01±0.02a |
1042 |
14.11±0.44 |
668 |
21.43±0.2 |
Parity 2 |
814 |
2.94±0.03b |
543 |
14.08±0.44 |
316 |
21.38±0.23 |
Parity 3 |
329 |
3.02±0.03a |
237 |
14.33±0.46 |
137 |
21.64±0.3 |
Parity 4 |
191 |
3.01±0.04a |
135 |
14.17±0.48 |
89 |
21.61±0.35 |
Parity 5 |
95 |
2.96±0.06a |
73 |
14.32±0.52 |
43 |
22.03±0.49 |
Parity 6 |
53 |
3.04±0.07a |
41 |
14.38±0.58 |
25 |
22.61±0.63 |
Parity ≥7 |
87 |
3.08±0.06a |
51 |
13.80±0.56 |
26 |
22.67±0.63 |
Cooperative |
<.0001 |
<.0001 |
<.0001 |
Ancha |
918 |
2.65±0.03d |
566 |
12.18±0.44d |
301 |
22.78±0.25a |
Hawora |
896 |
3.01±0.03c |
648 |
13.85±0.45c |
397 |
20.43±0.26c |
Serera |
512 |
3.10±0.03b |
389 |
15.76±0.45a |
250 |
22.79±0.29a |
Murasa |
354 |
3.23±0.04a |
290 |
15.06±0.46b |
218 |
21.69±0.30b |
Begedamo |
311 |
3.05±0.04bc |
229 |
14.00±0.47c |
138 |
21.85±0.34b |
Birth type |
<.0001 |
<.0001 |
<.0001 |
Single |
1093 |
3.45±0.03a |
846 |
15.25±0.44a |
529 |
22.84±0.23a |
Twin |
1718 |
3.09±0.02b |
1170 |
14.47±0.44b |
712 |
22.65±0.21a |
≥Triplet |
180 |
2.48±0.04c |
106 |
12.78±0.49c |
63 |
20.23±0.42b |
Sex |
<.0001 |
<.0001 |
<.0001 |
Male |
1773 |
3.14±0.03a |
1345 |
14.84±0.44a |
921 |
23.22±0.22a |
Female |
1218 |
2.88±0.03b |
777 |
13.50±0.44b |
383 |
20.59±0.25b |
Season |
0.3024 |
0.0010 |
0.0537 |
Main rainy season |
1107 |
3.0±0.03 |
752 |
13.95±0.45b |
439 |
21.65±0.26 |
Poor rainy |
900 |
3.0±0.03 |
704 |
14.44±0.45a |
470 |
22.18±0.25 |
Dry season |
984 |
2.9±0.03 |
666 |
14.12±0.44b |
395 |
21.89±0.26 |
Birth year |
<.0001 |
<.0001 |
<.0001 |
2013 |
50 |
3.20±0.08ab |
- |
- |
2014 |
154 |
3.22±0.05a |
68 |
14.57±0.34b |
34 |
19.60±0.58d |
2015 |
636 |
3.06±0.03b |
486 |
15.66±0.16a |
301 |
23.84±0.26a |
2016 |
711 |
2.91±0.03c |
556 |
14.60±0.15b |
353 |
22.05±0.25bc |
2017 |
739 |
2.65±0.03d |
605 |
13.32±0.14c |
443 |
21.60±0.22c |
2018 |
701 |
3.01±0.03b |
406 |
14.07±0.16b |
173 |
22.44±0.31b |
Season*year |
** |
** |
NS |
Birth type*year |
** |
NS |
NS |
Mean values with different superscripts (a,b) across columns are significantly different ( p<0.05), LSM-Least Square Means, SE-Standard Error, BWT-birth weight, WWT-weaning weight, SMWT-six-month weight, kg-kilograms, N-number of observations |
The overall least-squares mean of WWT was 14.8±2.49 (Table1). The effect of site, birth type, year, season, sex, and the interaction effect between year and season on WWT was significant (p<0.01). Single-born lambs (25±0.44 kg) were heavier than twins (14.47±0.44 kg) and triplets or above triplets (12.78±0.49 kg). This effect could be attributed mainly because single lambs do not have to compete for nutrients, unlike what happens when multiple lambs were developed Mengiste et al (2010). Male lambs were significantly heavy than female lambs. The differences in birth weights observed between the sexes might be due to the difference in testosterone secretion between males and females. Several researchers have widely documented similar results (Mengiste et al (2010). Lambs wean in the time of poor rainfall were significantly (p=0.001) heavy than those born in the main rainy season and dry season. The effect of the season is associated with the difference in feed and disease situation (Berhanu and Aynalem 2009). The heavy WWT during poor rainy season was attributed to the presence of feed due to the short rainy season starting February to May. Results obtained in the current study were nearly comparable with the report of Yohannes et al (2018); 14.40±0.23kg for Rutana sheep and (Haile et al (2014); 14.8±0.22kg) for Bonga sheep. However higher result of WWT (15.5±0.0 kg) was reported by Mestafe (2015) for the Bonga sheep breed.
The overall least-squares mean of SMWT was 22±0.22 kg. The effect of site, birth type, year of birth, and sex on SMWT (Table 1) were significant at p<0.01 whereas the effect of parity and season were found to be non-significant. The least-squares means of SMWT for single, twin, and triplet and above triplets' births were 22.84±0.23, 22.65±0.21, 20.23±0.42 kg, respectively. Males were superior to females lamb 23.22±0.22 Vs 20.59±0.25 kg. These results agree with previous studies on other breeds by other authors (Zelalem 2018; Yohannes et al 2018). Birth year was a significant source of variation for SMWT where the heavy SMWT was recorded in 2018 while the lowest was in 2014. SMWT trend across the years was varied. These could be the difference between year-to-year variation in the availability of feed and yearly variation in total annual rainfall. The SMWT (22±0.22 kg) of Doyogena sheep was comparable with the SMWT of the Bonga sheep breed (22.2±0.21 kg; Mestafe (2015) and (21.0±0.70; Haile et al (2014) under CBBP and higher than SMWT of Menz and Horro sheep breeds (Haile et al 2014).
The effect of parity, site, birth types, year of birth, and season on ADG0-3 is given in table 2. The overall least square mean of ADG0-3 in grams (g) was 130.37±2.27 g /day. The effect of site, birth type, year, sex, and the interaction effect between year and season on ADG0-3 had significant (p<0.01) whereas the effect of parity and season were found to be non-significant. The least-square means of ADG0-3 for single, twin and triple and above birth lambs were 135.3±2.33, 132.2±2.17and 123.6±3.5 g/day respectively. The average daily weight gains of triple and above born lambs were lower than single and twin types of births. Male lambs had higher ADG0-3 than females (133.2±2.34 vs 127.5±2.3 g/day. The result of 130.37±2.27 g/day) was comparable with the preliminary result of the Bonga sheep breed (130±0.02 g/day) and higher than the result of Horro and Menz sheep (Haile et al 2014). Mestafe (2015) also documents similar results of 129±1.16 g /day for Bonga sheep breed. Mengiste et al (2010), and Shigdafe et al (2013) reported lower ADG0-3 compared with the current result.
The overall ADG3-6 from 3 months (weaning) to 6 months was 80.59±3.62 g/day. The effect of site, birth type, year, and sex on ADG3-6 2 were significant (p<0.01) whereas the effect of parity and season were found to be non-significant (Table 2). The least-square means of ADG3-6 for single, twin, and triple and above triple birth lambs were 79.04±3.69, 86.09±3.4 and 76.64±5.78 g/day respectively. The ADG3-6 of twin birth type had higher gain than that of single and triple and above born lambs. Male lambs had higher ADG3-6 than females (133.2±2.34 vs 127.5±2.3 g/day. The current result was comparable with the report of Mestafe (2015), who reported 129.1±1.16 g /day daily gain for Bonga sheep but, higher than the values reported by Haile et al (2014) for Horro, Menz and Bonga sheep breeds.
The overall ADG0-6 was 106.18±1.7 grams. The effect of site, birth type, year, and sex on the daily gain from birth to six-month age were significant (p<0.01) whereas the effect of parity and season were found to be non-significant (table 2). The least-square means of ADG0-6 for single, twin, and triple and above birth lambs were 107.9±1.7, 109±1.60, and 101.60±2.8 g/day respectively. The average ADG0-6 of triple and above-born lambs had lower ADG0-6 than twin and single lambs of births. Male lambs had higher ADG0-6 than females (110±1.8 vs 102.4±1.88 g/day).
Table 2. Least squares means and standard error (LSM ± SE) of daily weight gain traits |
Source of Variation |
ADG0-3(g) |
ADG3-6(g) |
ADG0-6 (g) |
N |
mean ±SE |
N |
mean ±SE |
N |
mean ±SE |
Overall |
2099 |
130.37±2.27 |
1280 |
80.59±3.62 |
106.18±1.7 |
CV% |
22.72 |
1280 |
41.6 |
16.34 |
Parity |
0.9822 |
0.6701 |
0.9822 |
Parity 1 |
1017 |
131.0±2.2 |
640 |
79.11±3.58 |
644 |
104.9±1.7 |
Parity 2 |
553 |
131.1±2.4 |
325 |
79.5±3.7 |
329 |
106.1±1.8 |
Parity 3 |
236 |
130.1±2.7 |
132 |
81.37±4.4 |
136 |
105.3±2.17 |
Parity 4 |
135 |
132.4±3.2 |
87 |
75.86±5.06 |
89 |
105.9±2.44 |
Parity 5 |
68 |
130.6±4.1 |
45 |
83.41±6.43 |
45 |
108.9±3.12 |
Parity 6 |
40 |
129.3±5.1 |
24 |
75.07±8.2 |
24 |
100.6±4 |
Parity ≥7 |
50 |
128.1±4.6 |
27 |
89.84±7.8 |
27 |
111.5±3.79 |
Cooperative |
<.0001 |
<.0001 |
<.0001 |
Ancha |
567 |
113.3±2.3d |
310 |
107.7±3.74a |
310 |
112.8±1.8a |
Hawora |
648 |
127.5±2.4c |
386 |
67.84±3.97b |
390 |
98.45±1.9b |
Serera |
376 |
146.5±2.7a |
240 |
75.48±4.29c |
245 |
110.4±2.0a |
Murasa |
281 |
136.7±2.87b |
212 |
70.58±4.44bc |
214 |
103.6±2.1c |
Begedamo |
227 |
128±2.95c |
132 |
81.37±4.8c |
135 |
105.7±2.30c |
Birth type |
0.0005 |
0.0037 |
0.0005 |
Single |
829 |
135.3±2.33a |
522 |
79.04±3.69b |
524 |
107.9±1.70a |
Twin |
1164 |
132.2±2.17a |
698 |
86.09±3.40a |
710 |
109.0±1.60a |
≥Triplet |
106 |
123.6±3.5b |
60 |
76.64±5.78b |
60 |
101.6±2.80b |
Sex |
<.0001 |
0.0008 |
<.0001 |
Male |
1298 |
133.2±2.34a |
844 |
84.48±3.72a |
843 |
110±1.80a |
Female |
801 |
127.5±2.3b |
454 |
76.70±3.87b |
451 |
102.4±1.88b |
Season |
0.1206 |
0.4089 |
0.1206 |
Main rainy |
759 |
128.5±2.47 |
449 |
82.54±3.98 |
454 |
106.4±1.93 |
Poor rainy |
677 |
131.5±2.48 |
433 |
79.17±3.9 |
439 |
105.7±1.92 |
Dry season |
663 |
131.1±2.4 |
398 |
80.07±3.8 |
401 |
106.5±1.87 |
Birth year |
<.0001 |
0.0006 |
<.0001 |
2013 |
9 |
140.5±10.03a |
6 |
65.82±15.5c |
6 |
99.75±7.55bc |
2014 |
72 |
128.6±3.94b |
38 |
65.43±6.70c |
38 |
99.83±3.20bc |
2015 |
477 |
138.4±1.94a |
306 |
85.57±3.10bc |
306 |
114.4±1.50a |
2016 |
538 |
128.6±1.80ab |
339 |
84.48±30.0bc |
347 |
107±1.45b |
2017 |
591 |
120.9±1.70c |
403 |
89.75±2.70bc |
407 |
105.7±1.32bc |
2018 |
412 |
125.3±1.90ab |
188 |
92.51±3.50abc |
190 |
110.4±1.70abc |
Season*year |
** |
NS |
NS |
Birth type*year |
NS |
NS |
NS |
Mean values with different superscripts (a,b) across columns are significantly different, (p <0.05), N-number of observation, LSM-Least Square Means, SE-Standard error, N=umber of observations, ADG0-3 daily weight gain from birth to weaning, ADG 3-6-daily weight gain from weaning to 6 month age and ADG0-6-daily weight gain from birth to 6 month age |
The overall least-square means of litter size obtained was 1.56±0.02 litter/head/ewe. Parity of ewes, lambing year, lambing season, and the interaction effect between lambing years and lambing season exerted significant effect on litter size. The result indicated that litter size increased as parity advanced. Lower litter size was recorded in the first parity (p<0.01. Litter size increased with parity because ewes were physiologically mature with ewe age (Mengiste et al 2010). Similarly, lambing year effect was significant effect (p<0.01) on litter size. Significantly higher litter size was observed in 2018. The current result (1.56±0.02) was much higher than several previous authors reported: Getahun (2008); Deribe (2009) and Taye et al (2016). However, the current finding was lower than the study of Boujenane(2006) which was 1.82 litter/head/ewe for the Moroccan D’man sheep breed.
Table 3. Least squares means and standard error (LSM ± SE) of reproductive performance traits |
Source of |
Litter size |
LI(days) |
AFL(days) |
N |
N |
mean ±SE |
N |
mean ±SE |
N |
mean ±SE |
Overall |
2167 |
1.56±0.02 |
564 |
281.22±8.8 |
564 |
2.16±0.06 |
80 |
437±31 |
CV% |
34.5 |
26.3 |
41.12 |
Dam parity |
0.001 |
<.0001 |
<.0001 |
- |
- |
Parity 1 |
1146 |
1.37±0.02d |
159 |
325.99±9.30a |
159 |
1.83±0.14c |
- |
- |
Parity 2 |
511 |
1.56±0.04c |
161 |
269.50±9.20a |
161 |
2.09±0.12bc |
- |
- |
Parity 3 |
229 |
1.62±0.04c |
117 |
286.6±10.30b |
117 |
2.13±0.11bc |
- |
- |
Parity 4 |
120 |
1.68±0.05b |
55 |
282.3±12.57bc |
55 |
2.31±0.11ab |
- |
- |
Parity 5 |
64 |
1.76±0.06a |
35 |
255.4±15.01c |
35 |
2.44±0.13ab |
- |
- |
Parity 6 |
36 |
1.83±0.09a |
11 |
276.00±24bc |
11 |
2.77±0.18a |
- |
- |
Parity≥7 |
61 |
1.60±0.07c |
26 |
272.4±17.33bc |
26 |
2.44±0.11ab |
- |
- |
Birth type |
- |
- |
- |
0.4840 |
- |
- |
- |
0.1703 |
Single |
- |
- |
219 |
279.±8.4 |
- |
- |
47 |
431±35 |
Twin |
- |
- |
316 |
287±7.8 |
- |
- |
31 |
400±59 |
≥triplet |
- |
- |
37 |
277±1.7 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Lambing year |
- |
0.0011 |
0.09 |
0.15 |
0.17 |
2013 |
32 |
1.71±0.09ab |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2014 |
111 |
1.67±0.10ab |
32 |
290±1.2 |
32 |
2.55±0.41 |
7 |
407±43 |
2015 |
469 |
1.72±0.03ab |
123 |
303±9.4 |
123 |
2.26±0.15 |
36 |
433±29 |
2016 |
511 |
1.73±0.03ab |
127 |
283±9.4 |
127 |
2.23±0.10 |
30 |
470±30 |
2017 |
537 |
1.64±0.02b |
150 |
279±9.0 |
150 |
2.08±0.10 |
NA |
NA |
2018 |
507 |
1.75±0.02a |
123 |
286±9.5 |
123 |
2.38±0.10 |
NA |
NA |
Lambing season |
0.004 |
0.0930 |
0.62 |
0.8845 |
Main rainy |
1101 |
1.65±0.03ab |
222 |
279.9±9.8 |
222 |
2.30±0.10 |
30 |
430±34 |
Poor rain |
894 |
1.59±0.03b |
165 |
276.6±1.5 |
165 |
2.24±0.10 |
26 |
440±30 |
Dry season |
965 |
1.68±0.03a |
177 |
287.0±9.8 |
177 |
2.32±0.10 |
24 |
441±37 |
Season*year |
*** |
NS |
** |
NS |
Mean values with different superscripts across columns are significantly different (p<0.05); LSM=Least Square Means; SE-Standard Error; N number of observation; NA=data not available;** significant at p<0.01),*significant at p<0.05 and NS =non-significant (p>0.05), ARR=Annual reproductive rate, AFL=age at first lambing |
The overall least-squares mean for LI in our study was 281.22±8.8 days (table 3). The effect of parity on LI was significant (p<0.01). LI was not affected by lambing year, lambing season, birth type and considers as p>0.05. There was slightly decreasing trend in LI as parity advanced. The younger ewes with parity one performed significantly (p<0.01) extended interval than her later parity. This might be attributed to the fact that they are still in their stage of growth. This result is in agreement with the report of Regassa (2018) who stated that as parity increases the lambing interval decrease. The result agreed with the report of Haile et al (2014) for Menz sheep LI. In general, the result of Doyogena sheep LI is comparable with the report of Edea et al (2012).
The overall least-squares mean for ARR obtained was 2.16±0.06 litter/ewe/year. As parity increased there is also an increase in ARR from 1.83±0.14 at the first parity to 2.77±0.18 at the sixth parity ( p<0.01). The ANOVA showed that except for the effect of parity, lambing season and lambing year were non-significant. The effect of parity on ARR was also reported by Berhanu and Aynalem (2009) that, ewes in their early parity showed a small ARR than ewes in the middle parity. The current ARR result was higher than the ARR of Washera sheep (1.49 ± 0.02) and local sheep around Jimma zone (1.82 ± 0.44, Berhanu and Aynalem, 2009).
The overall mean AFL was 437±31 days. Parity, site, birth type, season, and year were not found as significant sources of variation for AFL and were considered p>0.05. The result found in this finding is almost comparable with the earlier report of Getahun (2008), where 438 days of AFL reported ewes under village management conditions in Alaba. It was slightly longer than the report of Taye et al (2016) where the AFL of Doyogena sheep had 411.6 days. Compared with other Ethiopian sheep breeds, AFL of Doyogena sheep is shorter than blackhead somalin sheep 708 days, Bonga sheep(447 days, Edea 2008), Menz sheep (470 days, Tesfaye et al 2013), Washera sheep and Wollo sheep (636 days, Tesfaye et al 2013). However the Current result of AFL for Doyogena sheep is slightly longer than the report of Kocho (2007); Edea (2012) and Marufa et al (2017) from Arsi-Bale sheep local sheep around Jimma zone, Horro sheep, and Abera sheep respectively. The reason for longer AFL for Doyogena sheep could be due to their multiple birth type.
The authors acknowledge the technical and financial assistance received from International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and Southern Agricultural Research Institute (SARI).
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