Livestock Research for Rural Development 33 (9) 2021 | LRRD Search | LRRD Misssion | Guide for preparation of papers | LRRD Newsletter | Citation of this paper |
Four growing male goats (14.9±1.0kg) were used in a 4*4 Latin square arrangement to determine feed intake, N retention and rumen methane production on a basal diet of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) supplemented with two sources of dietary tannin:Camellia sinensis leaves or Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) foliage with or without coconut oil. The treatments had no effect on DM or protein digestibility but increased N retention and reduced methane production. There appeared to be a negative relationship between N retention and the concentration of methane in the rumen gas.
Key words: methane, N retention, tannin, water spinach
Climate change seriously affects ecological balance, human health, and sustainable living (Najeh Dali 2008). Methane emissions from ruminant livestock have contributed significantly to this process (Watson 2008).
Tiemann et al (2008) reported that the inclusion of tannin-rich shrub legumes species Callinadra calothyrsus and Fleminga macrophylla in the diet of lambs reduced CH4 emissions by up to 24%. Tannins are also present in leaves of green tea (Camellia sinensis) and are readily available at tea processing factories in Vietnam. Chu Manh Thang et al (2016) fed different levels of green tea leaves to growing cattle and found that they decreased rumen methane emissions.
In our research, we studied the effects of green tea leaves compared with leaves of another tannin plant Artocarpus heterophyllus as supplements for growing goats fed a basal diet of water spinach, h a plant known to produce high levels of methane when fed to goats (Silivong et al 2013).
The experiment was carried out in the farm of An Giang University from January to June 2019.
Four growing male goats (14.9±1.0kg) were hired from smallholder goat keepers in the area. The trial was a 2*2 factorial arrangement of four treatments with 4 replications. The experiment was designed with two factors: (i) Camellia sinensis or Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) as sources of condensed tannin (at approximately 50g tannin/kg diet DM); and (ii) supplementation with or without coconut oil at 10g/kg DM intake.
Individual treatments were:
WM: Water spinach plus Camellia
WMC: Water spinach plus Camellia with coconut oil
WL: Water spinach plus Jackfruit
WLC: Water spinach plus Jackfruit with coconut oil
The goats were vaccinated against foot and mouth disease and de-wormed before the start of the experiment. They were individually fed in metabolism cages with free access to water and mineral blocks. New feed was offered daily at 08:00 and 16:00. All treatments included 50g rice bran/day as the carrier for the coconut oil.
Branches of Jackfruit growing in nearby fields were collected every day. Water spinach was grown on plots on the University farm and was harvested after 21 days of regrowth. It was put in the feed trough at an offer level of about 120% of recorded intake. The branches of Jackfruit were tied in bunches suspended above the feed troughs in amounts that would provide approximately 50 g condensed tannin per 1 kg DM intake.
Green tea meal (by-products) was mixed with rice bran.
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Photo 1. The goat is feeding on rice bran | Photo 2. Suspending the branches of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) to simulate browsing |
Each experimental period lasted 20 days. For the first 10 days in each period, the goats were adapted to the new diets. From 11 to 15 days feces and urine were collected, and feeds offered and refused were recorded. The urine was acidified with 10% H2SO4 to prevent ammonia-N loss. Samples of feces and urine. and of feeds offered and refused were pooled over the 5-day collection period and refrigerated (-18°C) prior to analysis. On the 15th day of each period of the experiment, the carbon dioxide and methane in eructed gases were measured. The gases were collected in the morning by placing the goats in a glass chamber and after a period of 5 minutes for equilibration with the air in the chamber, the concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide were determined using a Greenhouse Gas Analyzer, model number 908 - 0011. There were rest periods of 5 days between experimental periods when the goats were fed only grass.
The samples of feed offered and refused and of feces were analyzed by AOAC (1990) methods for dry matter (DM) by drying at 1050C for 24h; organic matter (OM) by ashing at 5500C for 4h; and crude protein (CP) by Kjeldahl technique. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were analyzed using the method of Van Soest and Robertson (1985). The condensed tannin content of feeds was determined by the Lowenthal method (AOAC 1936). Protein solubility was determined by the method described by Whitelaw and Preston (1963).
The data were analyzed using the general linear model in the ANOVA program of the Minitab software release 16.20. Sources of variation in the model were: source of supplementary foliage (Camellia and Jackfruit), supplementation with coconut oil, interaction foliage*coconut oil, animals, periods, and error.
Condensed tannin was 20% higher in leaves of Camellia than in leaves of Jackfruit (Table 1). There was no tannin in water spinach. NDF was higher in Jackfruit than in Camellia leaves The solubility of the protein was high in the water spinach and low in the jackfruit leaves.
Table 1. Chemical composition of the feeds used in the experiment |
Items |
Camellia |
Jackfruit |
Water spinach |
Rice bran |
Dry matter, g/kg |
967 |
375 |
151 |
878 |
DM basis, g/kg |
CP |
195 |
124 |
195 |
101 |
OM |
907 |
872 |
883 |
891 |
236 |
359 |
223 |
86 |
336 |
471 |
415 |
223 |
Comdensed tannin |
198 |
131 |
- |
- |
Protein solubility, % |
nd |
12.2 |
77.8 |
nd |
DM intake and DM digestibility were not affected by the source of tannin nor by supplementation with coconut oil (Table 2). N retention tended to be higher (p=0.09) for supplementation with green tea leaves compared with Jackfruit leaves but was not affected by the addition of coconut oil (Table 2).
The methane: carbon dioxide ratio in expired gas was lower when green tea was the supplement compared with Jackfruit and can be assumed to be lower than in the basal diet of water spinach for which methane emissions are known to be very high (Preston et al 2019; Sengsouly et al 2016). The high solubility of the protein in the water spinach (78%) has also been shown to be directly related to the comment of methane in expired gas (Do H Q et al 2013).
Table 2. Mean values for DM intake and digestibility, N retention, DM conversion (DM intake/N retention), and methane:carbon dioxide ratio in the expired breath of goats fed a basal diet of water spinach and: (i) Camellia sinensis (CS) or Artocarpus heterophyllus (AH); or (ii) were supplemented or not with coconut oil |
Leaves |
p |
Coconut oil |
p |
Camellia |
Jackfruit |
No CLO |
DM intake, g/d |
Leaves |
111 |
176 |
0.001 |
142 |
145 |
0.825 |
11 |
Water spinach |
302 |
252 |
0.136 |
277 |
278 |
0.979 |
22.0 |
Rice bran |
44 |
44 |
- |
44 |
44 |
- |
- |
Total |
457 |
473 |
0.688 |
463 |
467 |
0.910 |
26.4 |
Crude prote |
88.6 |
80.6 |
0.305 |
83.2 |
86.0 |
0.705 |
5.2 |
DM dig, % |
76.9 |
73.8 |
0.249 |
74.4 |
76.3 |
0.450 |
1.8 |
N ret. g/d, |
5.83 |
4.22 |
0.087 |
4.69 |
5.36 |
0.451 |
0.61 |
CH4 : CO2 |
0.01327 |
0.01531 |
0.050 |
0.01667 |
0.01191 |
<0.0001 |
0.000661 |
Production of methane in the rumen involves a reduction in the nutritive value of the diet (Johnston and Johnston 1995) as methanogens compete for hydrogen in the rumen fermentation with reduced production of propionic acid an important precursor of glucose in the ruminant animal.
A trend was observed in the present experiment for N retention to be decreased as the as methane: carbon dioxide ratio in rumen gas was increased (Figure 1).
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Figure 1. Relation ship between N retention
and methane:carbon dioxide ratio in the expired breath of the goats |
Tavendale et al (2005) suggested two modes of action of tannins on methanogens: directly affecting activity or population of methanogens, resulting in lower methane emission, and indirectly by reduced hydrogen production by lowering feed degradation.
AOAC 1936 Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis, 4th ed. p. 196.
AOAC 1990 Official Methods of Analysis, 15th editon. Association of the Official Analytical Chemists, Washington D.C.
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Minitab 2010 Minitab reference manual release 16.20. Minitab Inc.
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