Livestock Research for Rural Development 32 (1) 2020 | LRRD Search | LRRD Misssion | Guide for preparation of papers | LRRD Newsletter | Citation of this paper |
Brazil is the world's largest producer of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) and, together with the long harvest period, its by-products from the juice industry have the potential to substitute components of fish feed. One of the by-products is passion fruit seed oil, which can replace soybean oil in conventional feeds. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the growth performance of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juveniles fed with diets containing passion fruit seed oil (1% and 2%). Tilapia juveniles (n=135) with 38.9±5.73 g initial weight were fed with 32% crude protein and 4600 kcal/kg gross energy diets at the rate of 2% body weight per day for 45 days. There were no differences in the growth parameters among fish that received diets with soybean oil or passion fruit seed oil. It was concluded that passion fruit seed oil could be an alternative lipid source in fish diets.
Keywords: alternative feeding, aquaculture, essential oil
Passion flower is the common name given to several species of the genus Passiflora, distributed mainly in the tropical and subtropical regions of the globe. More than 400 species are known, of which 79 are found in the Midwest and Northern Brazil. From this group, the species of major agronomic importance are Passiflora edulis Sims f.flavicarpa (yellow passion fruit), P. alata (sweet passion fruit) and P. edulis Sims f. edulis (purple passion fruit) (Zeraik et al 2010). Brazil is the world's largest producer of passion fruit, producing more than 830 thousand tons in 2013 (IBGE 2017). This is favored by the long harvest period (from eight to 12 months) and its distribution throughout the brazilian territory (Embrapa 2002).
Trials using passion fruit by-products as feed were reported for dairy cattle (Otagaki and Matsumoto 1958), sheep (Lousada Junior et al 2006; Santos-Cruz et al 2013), swine (Perondi et al 2014; Fachinello et al 2015), quail (Fachinello et al 2016) and poultry (Ariki et al. 1977; Togashi et al 2007 2008). For fish farming, the inclusion of passion fruit seed meal (containing its oil residue) in diets for tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) have shown its potential as a replacement for sources of starch (Souza et al 2009; Wegbecher 2010).
Dietary lipids provide energy efficiently and are also a source of flavorings for fish. Sources of fatty acids most used in animal feeds are those of vegetable origin. Vegetable oils, such as olive, maize and soybean are rich sources of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated Omega-6 fatty acids; linseed and fish oils are sources of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (Ribeiro et al 2008).
Thus, the goal of this study was to evaluate the performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juveniles fed diets with different levels of passion fruit (P. edulis) seed oil.
The experiment was conducted between November and December 2016 at the Research and Development Unit of the Paulista Agency for Agribusiness Technology (APTA) of Pirassununga (21°59'45"S 47°25'33"W), Brazil. Nile tilapia juveniles (n=135) with 39.0±5.73 g were stocked in nine 1000 L experimental units with continuous water flow, divided in three randomized groups with three replicates, with each replicate composed of 15 fish. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and ammonia were analyzed daily using colorimetric kits (Labcon®, Brazil).
Diets were formulated to be isoproteic and isoenergetic, containing 32% crude protein and 2911 Kcal/kg of digestible energy (Table 1). Feeding was at 2% of live weight for 45 days, twice a day. Diets were prepared and donated by the Cooperative of Fish Farmers of Santa Fé do Sul, Brazil. The cold-pressed essential oil of passion fruit seeds (Distriol Comércio de Insumos Ltda., Brazil), soybean oil and cereal alcohol (Agro-Industry Tarumã Ltda., Brazil) were obtained from the cosmetics market.
The diets were divided into three treatments: CTL - diet with the inclusion of 2% soybean oil; PFS1 - inclusion of 1% of passion fruit seed oil and 1% of soybean oil; and PFS2 - diet containing 2% of passion fruit seed oil.
The dilution of the oil in cereal alcohol was done at the rate of 5 mL of oil/100 mL of alcohol (adapted from Dairiki et al 2013). The inclusion of the oil was through top coating (Figure. 1): the manual spraying of passion fruit seed oil emulsion at the rate of 1% (11.5 mL of oil/kg of feed) and 2% (23 mL/kg of feed), and 2% of soybean oil (22.2 mL of oil/kg of feed), followed by room temperature drying. Diets were stocked in a freezer until utilization.
![]() |
Figure 1. Addition of passion fruit
seed oil emulsion by top coating |
Dry matter, ash, ether extract, calcium, phosphorus, crude protein, starch and gross energy of the diets were carried out at the Multiuser Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Bromatology (School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of São Paulo), according to AOAC (1995) methodologies.
Table 1. Ingredients and proximate composition (% DM) of the experimental diets |
Total digestible energy (Kcal/kg) |
2911 |
Total digestible protein (%) |
25.8 |
Crude protein (%) |
33.0 |
Dietary lipids (%) |
7.41 |
Crude fiber (%) |
2.95 |
Ash (%) |
11.1 |
Calcium (%) |
2.95 |
Total phosphorus (%) |
1.65 |
Starch (%) |
27.8 |
Digestible phosphorus (%) |
0.77 |
Arginine (%) |
1.76 |
Total lisine (%) |
2.01 |
Threonine (%) |
1.24 |
Thriptophan (%) |
0.27 |
Total Methionine (%) |
0.50 |
Vitamin C (mg/kg) |
600 |
Mineral-vitamin mixture (mg/kg)# |
100 |
# Vitamin and mineral supplied (per kg of mixture): vitamin A, 1,200,000 IU; vitamin D3, 200,000 IU; vitamin E, 12,000 mg; vitamin K3, 2,400 mg; vitamin B1, 4,800 mg; vitamin B2, 4,800 mg; vitamin B12, 4,800 mcg; vitamin B6, 4,800 mg; calcium pantothenic, 12,000 mg; niacin, 24,000 mg; folic acid, 1,200 mg; biotin, 48 mg; choline, 65,000 mg; cobalt, 2 mg; copper, 600 mg; iron, 10,000 mg; iodine, 20 mg; manganese, 4.000 mg; selenium, 20 mg; zinc, 6,000 mg |
At the end of the trial the fish were anesthetized by immersion in a 50 mg/L eugenol solution, they were weighed in a digital scale (Excell SA110, Elgin®) and returned to their respective boxes. The following measurements were made:
Weight gain (WG) = (Final weight – initial weight) (g); Average daily gain (ADG) = (Final weight – initial weight)/days (g/day);
Biomass = Ʃ fish weight of each group (g); Feed conversion ratio (FCR) = total feed consumed/total amount of carcass produced (%) Specific growth rate (SGR) = [100(ln final weight – ln initial weight)]/days (%/day)
The means were submitted to analysis of variance and F-test (significance level of 5%), with post hoc Tukey test analysis using GraphPad Prism 6 (GraphPad Software, Inc., USA).
During the experiment, the physical-chemical parameters of the water remained within the range recommended for Nile tilapia (El-Sayed 2006): temperature: 23.8±1.38 ºC; dissolved oxygen: 9.55±1.68 mg/L; pH: 6.83±0.28; dissolved ammonia: 0.38±0.33 mg/L.
The small difference in the amount of gross energy in the diets (Table 2) did not result in differences for average daily gain, biomass, feed conversion and specific growth rate (Table 3).
Table 2. Composition of experimental diets containing different levels of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) seed oil |
PFS1 |
PFS2 |
p |
Dry matter (%) |
89.9 |
89.7 |
89.7 |
0.060 |
Ash (%) |
13.1 |
13.2 |
13.0 |
0.082 |
Ether extract (%) |
8.57 |
8.96 |
8.87 |
0.067 |
Calcium (%) |
3.71 |
3.52 |
3.46 |
0.070 |
Phosphorus (%) |
1.76 |
1.69 |
1.73 |
0.250 |
Crude protein (%) |
33.1 |
33.2 |
33.6 |
0.240 |
Starch (%) |
34.2 |
33.3 |
34.0 |
0.080 |
Gross energy (kcal/g) |
4,610 |
4,620 |
4,646 |
0.060 |
Table 3. Performance parameters (mean ± standard deviation) of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juveniles fed during 45 days with diets with soybean and passion fruit(Passiflora edulis) seed oil |
PFS1 |
PFS2 |
p |
ADG (g/day) |
0.82±0.033 |
0.82±0.052 |
0.83±0.054 |
Biomass (g) |
558±22.7 |
556±35.6 |
561±40.7 |
0.984 |
FCR (%) |
0.024±0.001 |
0.025±0.001 |
0.025±0.001 |
1.000 |
SGR (%/day) |
1.486±0.066 |
1.487±0.061 |
1.512±0.063 |
0.774 |
In the present study, the percentage of lipids in the diets, i.e., the sum between the amount of dietary lipids (7.4%) and the oils included after extrusion (1% or 2%) was within the range proposed for juvenile and adult Nile tilapias (Moreira et al 2015).
Passion fruit seed oil is composed of fatty acids, such as linoleic acid (Omega-6, 55-66%), oleic acid (Omega-9, 18-20%), palmitic acid (Omega-9, 10-14%) and linolenic acid (Omega-3, 0.8-1%) (Piombo et al 2006; Oliveira et al 2013; Wilhelm et al 2014). Similar percentages for the above mentioned components are also reported for soybean oil (Jorge et al 2005; da Silva and Gioielli 2006). According to NRC (1993) it is recommended 0.5 to 1% of Omega-6 fatty acids and linolenic acid about 0.45-0.65% (Chen et al 2013). In this way, the use of passion fruit seed oil at 2% or combined with soybean oil complied with NRC recommendations. Indeed, blending of passion fruit oil with soybean oil protects the latter from lipid oxidation in vitro (Jorge et al 2009).
We thank Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, doctoral scholarship # 159651/2015-8, finance code 001.
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Received 25 November 2019; Accepted 3 December 2019; Published 2 January 2020