Livestock Research for Rural Development 30 (4) 2018 | Guide for preparation of papers | LRRD Newsletter | Citation of this paper |
Total gas and methane production were determined in an in vitro rumen incubation of cassava-pulp-urea supplemented with a range of additives. The experimental design was 3 replications of two factors: (i) the source of supplementary cassava foliage (Gon [sweet] and KM94 [bitter]); ND (ii) no additive (CTL), brewers’ grain (BG), rice wine starter culture (RWS), yeast fermented cassava pulp (YFCP) and cassava pulp fermented with yeast, urea and di-ammonium phosphate (YFCP-U-DAP).
Gas production was increased and methane content in the gas was reduced when the protein supplement was from leaves of the bitter cassava variety. There was an interaction between the source of the leaves and the effect of the brewers’ grain on methane in the gas which was reduced when the cassava leaf source was a sweet variety but there was no effect of the brewers’ grain when the cassava leaf was from a bitter variety. Additives based on cassava pulp fermented with, or without, addition of urea and diammonium phosphate during the incubation, had no apparent effect on gas production or methane content of the gas. By contrast, adding 1% of a traditional rice wine starter culture (containing yeast and molds) reduced gas production but did not affect the methane content in the gas compared with the control of no additive.
Key words: alcohol, beta-glucan, HCN, live yeast, prebiotic
Recent studies have shown: (i) that adding small amounts (4% of diet DM) of brewers’ grain to a diet of cassava-pulp-urea-bitter cassava foliage improved DM intake and liveweight gain of cattle, and reduced excretion of urine thiocyanate (Binh et al 2017); and (ii) a 4% addition of rice distillers’ byproduct to ensiled cassava root, urea and cassava foliage, had similar effects with growth rate of cattle increased by 37% and feed conversion by 21% (Sengsouly et al 2016).
There are similarities in the production of brewers’ grains and rice distillers’ byproduct. In each case the original substrate (barley grain or polished rice) is fermented with yeast to produce ethanol, which is then separated by distillation. The resultant residues are: brewers’ grains and rice distillers’ byproduct. Both these byproducts will have undergone acid hydrolysis during the distillation process which may have led to release of the prebiotic β-glucan from the yeast cell walls (reference) with resultant positive effects on animal performance and wellbeing (eg: reduction of HCN toxicity from the cyanogenic glucosides in cassava).
Brewers’ grains and rice distillers’ byproduct are not readily available in all rural areas. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate possible alternatives to these two byproducts that could potentially act as prebiotics in ruminant diets based on cassava root pulp and cassava foliage of the sweet and bitter varieties.
The experiments were conducted in the laboratory of Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam, from November to December 2017.
Two factors were studied in an in vitro rumen incubation. The design was a 2*5 factorial with 3 replications. The factors were:
Source of cassava foliage: Sweet (Gon) or Bitter (KM94) variety
Potential source of prebiotic: No supplement (CTL), Brewers’ grain (BG), Rice wine starter culture (RWS), Cassava pulp fermented with RWS (YFCP) and Cassava pulp fermented with RWS, urea and di-ammonium phosphate (YFCP-U-DAP)
The basal substrate (DM basis) was 73% ensiled cassava pulp, 2% urea and 25% cassava leaves (sweet or bitter variety). The additives were incorporated in the substrate at levels (DM basis) of 4%, except for the RWS which was added at 2%.
The brewer’s grains were taken directly, in the fresh state, from the brewing process at the beer factory in Ho Chi Minh City. YFCP-U-DAP was made by fermenting fresh cassava pulp for 7 days with 2% rice wine starter culture (RWS), 1% sodium chloride, 3% urea and 1% di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) (all on DM basis). It was stored 7 days in closed polyethylene bags. FCP was made by the same procedure but without urea and DAP.
The in vitro procedure was the same as that described by Inthapanya et al (2011). Representative samples of the mixtures (12g DM) were put in the incubation bottles to which were added 960ml of buffer solution (Table 1) and 240ml of goat rumen fluid (taken immediately from a goat that was slaughtered at the local abattoir). The bottles with substrate were then incubated in a water bath at 38 °C for 24h.
Table 1. Ingredients in the buffer solution |
Ingredients |
CaCl2 |
NaHPO4.12H2O |
NaCl |
KCl |
MgSO4.7H2O |
NaHCO3 |
Cysteine |
(g/liter) |
0.04 |
9.30 |
0.47 |
0.57 |
0.12 |
9.80 |
0.25 |
Source : Tilly and Terry (1963). |
Samples of the additives were analysed prior to, and after 7 days of fermentation for: DM and crude protein (CP) according to methods of AOAC (1990); pH and Brix values were made using a digital pH meter and hand-refractometer.
For microbiological analysis: 5 g fresh sample was diluted in Wilkin medium in different concentrations. MRS medium was used to isolate lactic acid bacteria (LAB) at 370C .To 1 liter MRS medium was added 2g natamycin dissolved in 40ml sterile water to prevent the development of fungi (Dung et al 2007). The Sabouraud medium was used to isolate Saccharomyces at room temperature. Colonies were counted and the results expressed as colonies per gram of sample (CFU/g).
The volume of gas produced in the in vitro incubation was recorded by water displacement at 7, 12 and 24h. The methane percentage in the gas at each of these times was measured by infra-red meter (Crowcon Ltd, UK).
The data were analyzed with the general linear model (GLM) option in the ANOVA program of the Minitab software (Minitab 2000). Sources of variation were: source of cassava foliage, additive, interaction forage source*additive and error.
The low crude protein concentration in fresh cassava pulp is the reason for the need to add urea to support the rumen fermentation (Table 2). As was to be expected, the supplementation of both urea and di-ammonium phosphate in the yeast-fermented cassava pulp resulted in higher pH and crude protein than without them.
Table 2. Chemical composition of substrates | ||||
DM, |
Crude protein, |
pH |
Fresh cassava pulp |
31.2 |
1.89 |
2 |
5.0 |
Brewer's grain |
25.8 |
- |
5.1 |
YFCP (0 day) |
29.6 |
2.02 |
3 |
5.5 |
YFCP (7 days) |
28.5 |
3.01 |
6 |
3.9 |
YFCP-U-DAP (0 day) |
32.2 |
9.34 |
3 |
6.6 |
YFCP-U-DAP (7 days) |
29.7 |
14.4 |
8 |
4.2 |
# Fresh basis; ## Measures % soluble sugars |
The increase in the brix values (Measures % soluble sugars) after fermentation reflects the effect of the yeast enzymes in causing partial hydrolysis of starch (in the cassava pulp) to soluble sugars. Addition of urea-DAP to the substrate appeared to accelerate this process.
The methane content of the gas increased progressively as the fermentation advanced over the 24h of the incubation (Table 2a; Figure 1).
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Figure 1. Effect of stage of the fermentation on the methane content of the gas |
Gas production was higher when the protein source was leaf from bitter as opposed to the sweet cassava variety; and was higher when 4% brewers’ grains were added to the substrate (Tables 3a, 3b; Figure 2). The exception was in the case of the rice wine starter additive (RWS). We have no explanation for this anomaly.
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Figure 2.
Effect of additives, and source of cassava leaf (bitter
or sweet variety) on gas production after 24h fermentation |
When the cassava leaf was from the sweet variety, brewers’ grains reduced the methane in the gas, but there was no effect of the other additives (Figure 3). With the bitter variety of cassava, the results were more variable.
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Figure 3.
Effect of additives, and source of cassava leaf (bitter
or sweet variety) on methane content of the gas after 24h fermentation |
Table 3a. Effect of source of cassava variety on gas production and % methane in the gas |
Sweet |
Bitter |
p |
0-7h | ||||
Gas, ml |
660 |
683 |
16.2 |
0.32 |
Methane, % |
8.53 |
4.73 |
0.26 |
<0.001 |
7-12h |
Gas, ml |
630 |
647 |
11.3 |
0.31 |
Methane, % |
8.6 |
7.13 |
0.23 |
<0.001 |
12-24h |
Gas, ml |
883 |
790 |
21.6 |
0.006 |
Methane, % |
8.73 |
10.07 |
0.22 |
<0.001 |
0-24h |
Gas, ml |
2080 |
2213 |
33.2 |
0.01 |
Methane, % |
8.63 |
7.58 |
3.34 |
<0.001 |
Table 3b. Effect of additive on gas production and % methane in the gas |
BG |
p |
p# |
0-7h |
Gas, ml |
600 |
725 |
575 |
692 |
767 |
25.5 |
<0.001 |
0.024 |
Methane, % |
6.5 |
5.83 |
6.5 |
6 |
8.33 |
0.42 |
0.003 |
<0.001 |
0-12h |
Gas, ml |
642 |
675 |
475 |
650 |
750 |
17.9 |
<0.001 |
0.075 |
Methane, % |
7.67 |
7.17 |
8.17 |
7.33 |
9 |
0.36 |
0.012 |
0.002 |
12-24h |
Gas, ml |
792 |
933 |
708 |
867 |
883 |
34.2 |
0.001 |
<0.001 |
Methane, % |
9.67 |
8 |
10.17 |
9.67 |
9.5 |
0.35 |
0.004 |
0.04 |
0-24h |
Gas, ml |
2033 |
1758 |
2208 |
2400 |
52.6 |
<0.001 |
0.002 |
Methane, % |
166 |
166 |
148 |
172 |
213 |
5.28 |
<0.001 |
<0.01 |
# CF*A: interaction of cassava variety and additive (see Figures2-4) |
By restricting the comparison to the control and brewers’ grains additive, the effects are clearer (Figure 4). There was an interaction between the effects of the brewers’ grains additive and the source of the cassava leaf meal on the percentage of methane in the gas. When the cassava leaf was from the bitter variety, there were no benefits from supplementation with brewers’ grains; in contrast, with the sweet cassava variety, brewers’ grains reduced methane percentage by 31% (Figures 3 an 4. Sangkhom et al (2017) also found that supplementing 4% of brewers’ grain, to an in vitro incubation of cassava root-urea, reduced methane production when the protein source was leaf from sweet cassava.
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Figure 4.
Interaction between source of cassava leaf meal and
supplementation with brewers’ grains on methane content in the gas |
The decrease in methane production when bitter, rather than sweet, cassava leaves were the protein source, is consistent with results from previous studies (Phuong et al 2012ab, 2015; Phanthavong et al 2015). The toxicity of HCN to methanogens has been documented (Smith et al 1995; Cuzin and Labat 1992).
The brewer’s grain used in our experiment was taken immediately after distillation of the ethanol in the beer production process. There were no viable yeast cells in the brewers’ grain but high populations in the two yeast-fermented additives (Figure 5). There were traces of lactobacilli in the brewers’ grains but much greater quantities in the yeast-fermented additives (Figure 6). It is evident that the yeast was no longer viable in the brewers’ grains. By contrast, in the treatments YFCP-U-DAP and RWS the fermented substrate had not been submitted to “heat” treatment and thus the yeast in these additives was still “viable”.
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![]() |
Figure 5.
Viable yeast cells in brewers’ grain and in cassava pulp fermented only with yeast (YFCP) or with yeast and urea YFCP-U-DAP) after 07 days of fermentation |
Figure 6.
Lactobacilli in brewers’ grain and in cassava pulp fermented only with yeast (YFCP) or with yeast and urea YFCP-U-DAP) after 07 days of fermentation |
The beneficial role of brewers’ grain and rice wine distillers’ byproduct in animal feeding is thought to be due to the prebiotic effect of β-glucan, that had been released from the cell walls of the cereal grain (brewers’ grain) and/or the yeast (rice distillers’ byproduct and brewers’ grain) (Binh et al 2017; Sivilai et al 2018). It is hypothesized that heating under acid conditions (pH about 4), as in the final stage of distillation of the alcohol in brewers’ grains and rice distillers’ byproduct, submits the residue to “acid hydrolysis”, which is a necessary step in solubilizing the β-glucan (Sang Hoon Lee et al 2015) and hence facilitating its role as a “prebiotic” (Lam Ka-Lung and Chi-Keung Cheung 2013).
The research reported in this paper may help to explain why the byproducts of ethanol fermentation and distillation are effective as prebiotics. The byproducts provide the source of the β-glucan (the cell walls in barley/rice and in yeast); the distillation of the ethanol from the fermented acid substrate (pH<4.0) creates the condition for the necessary treatment (acid-hydrolysis) to make the β-glucan soluble and therefore available to the host species.
This research is part of the requirement for the PhD of the senior author in the doctoral program of Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam. Financial support from the Sida-financed project, MEKARN II, is gratefully acknowledged.
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Received 1 March 2018; Accepted 21 March 2018; Published 1 April 2018