Livestock Research for Rural Development 26 (7) 2014 | Guide for preparation of papers | LRRD Newsletter | Citation of this paper |
In this study, the genetic relationships among 179 adult goats from eight Cameroon ecotypes were evaluated. The sampled goats were genotyped using a panel 12 microsatellites markers.
All markers were polymorphic with a PIC of 0.39. Mean number of alleles was 5.08 (2 to 8), FST value overall ecotypes was 0.453, and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.130 to 0.338. AMOVA confirmed a high variation among (33.24%) and within (47.92%) ecotypes. The PCA and NJ tree classified the goats into four major clusters related to geography and phenotype. The result of this study has shown that Cameroon indigenous goats have interesting variability and the genetic data can aid the rational conservation of these animal genetic resources.
Key words: animal breeding, caprine, ecotypes, genotypes, simple sequence repeats
Small ruminant indigenous breeds are crucial for subsistence farmers worldwide (Pollot and Wilson 2009). In the majority of developing countries, little attention was given to small ruminant genetic resources management policies till some years ago (Wilson 1990). Such management policies in many cases resulted in poor performance yields, random mating and loss of diversity (Kosgey et al 2006; Groenevald et al 2010). Due to weak national programs, animal genetic resources diversity documentation is limited in developing countries (Guimarães et al 2007; FAO 2008).
Small ruminants sector in Cameroon provides for about 20% of present meat consumption (MINEPIA 2010). Small ruminants are found in all agricultural systems, mainly made of smallholders in rural areas. They make a valuable contribution, especially to the rural poor. Goats produce a variety of foods, which are very useful for both urban and rural markets; there are no religious taboos against their products (Tchouamo et al 2005). The naming of Cameroon indigenous goats suggests some variability. In the literature they are invariably called Cameroon Dwarf, West African Dwarf Goat, Djallonke Goat, Nigerian Goat, Pygmy Goat, Dwarf Goat, Fouta Djallon Goat and Kirdi (Epstein 1962; Devendra and Burns 1982; Lauvergne et al 1993). Doutresoulle (1947) made the first description of Cameroonian goats based on physical features, followed by Epstein (1951, 1962), Devendra and Burns (1982). It was Lauvergne et al (1993) who established the primary nature of Cameroon goat populations in the northern part of the country using morphometric indices and coat color patterns. Meutchieye et al (2008) found similar results in western highlands of Cameroon.
Breeding strategies could be irrelevant as misleading when they are not well correlated with desired genetic traits. Physical features may be useful for conservation issues, but not enough for breeding for performance (Dekkers and van der Werf 2007). Only few sub-Saharan African goats were sampled while designing microsatellite markers which have never been applied to Cameroon goats (Muema et al 2004). The objective of this study was to evaluate the native goat diversity of Cameroon using microsatellite markers (FAO, 2011). The present work is therefore of scientific relevance. It aims to evaluate the polymorphic information contents of caprine 12 microsatellites markers in Cameroon native goat populations. These findings provide provide useful information required for a better goat populations’ management.
Hair samples were plucked directly from 179 live adult goats in the various Cameroon agro ecological zones (Figure 1) and divided into 8 ecotypes (figure 2) as follows: Zone 1 (Sahelian, n =19; Soudanian, n = 23); Zone 2 (High Guinean Savannah, n = 19); Zone 3 (Western Highlands-West, n=27; Western Highlands-North West, n = 18); Zone 4 (Coastal, n = 26) and Zone 5 (Forest-Centre, n = 27; Forest-East, n = 20). Geographical and morphometric patterns described by Meutchieye et al (2008) and Choupamom (2009) have been used to segregate ecotypes. The individuals were sampled as much as possible at distant locations and on a random basis. Genomic DNA was isolated from hair root cells according to the method described by Adhoch (2007).
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Figure 1. Hair samples collection sites in Cameroon |
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Coastal region Dwarf | Highlands goat | Sahelian longlegged |
Figure 2. Physical outlines of some Cameroon goat ecotypes |
Twelve microsatellite markers (BM6444, ILSTS087, INRA063, INRA0132, MAF035, MAF065, MAF70, MAF209, SRCRSP3, SRCRSP9, TGLA53 and SPS113), recommended by ISAG-FAO (2011) were used in this study (Table 1). Microsatellites were PCR amplified with 25ng genomic DNA in a 25ul reaction volume accordingly to their various annealing temperatures. Multiplex PCR typing has been done according to indications precised by Mburu and Hanotte (2005). Genotyping was undertaken using ABI 3130xl Genetic analyzer (Applied Biosystems). The data were scored using GeneMapper V.4.1 version.
Table 1. Microsatellites markers list with their respective chromosome position, allele size, dye and sequences |
Marker |
Anneal ° |
Chrom.nb. |
Allele |
Dye |
Forward 5’-3’ Reverse 3’-5’ primer sequences |
55°C |
12 |
80-150 |
6Fam |
MAF035 |
55°C |
NA |
90-130 |
Pet |
55°C |
10 |
95-135 |
Ned |
MAF209 |
58°C |
17 |
95-150 |
Vic |
MAF065 |
Touch down |
15 |
100-160 |
Ned |
TGLA53 |
55°C |
16 |
110-170 |
Vic |
BM6444 |
65°C |
2 |
110-210 |
Pet |
ILSTS087 |
58°C |
28 |
120-190 |
6Fam |
MAF70 |
65°C |
4 |
120-190 |
Pet |
INRA0132 |
58°C |
20 |
125-175 |
6Fam |
INRA063 |
53°C |
18 |
145-195 |
Vic |
SPS113 |
58°C |
10 |
125-170 |
Pet |
Chrom.nb = Chromosome number where the microsatellite is located; NA: not available |
Allele frequencies: allelic frequency was estimated based on genotypic frequencies and mean heterozygosity for each ecotype (Nei 1968) using GenAlex 6.0 according to Peakall and Smouse (2009) procedure.
Heterozygosity and gene diversity: GenAlex 6.0 program was used to obtain estimates of observed heterozygosity (Hob) and expected heterozygosity (Het). The algorithm used was the one described by Nei (1968). Genetic distances and relationship: Neighbour Joining (NJ) dendogram construction was done under PowerMarker V.3.25 to estimate Nei’s DA genetic distances between pairs of goat ecotypes on the basis of the 12 microsatellites markers.
Polymorphic Information Content (PIC): Using allele frequencies of non related individual in each ecotype, the following model was used to estimate PIC
Where pi is allele frequency of ith allele within the ecotype; pj, the frequency of jth allele within the ecotype; and n denotes alleles number.
Molecular variance (AMOVA) was estimated in using GenAlex 6.0 and Arlequin software according to Weirand Cockerham (1984) procedure.Principal Component Analysis (PCA): principal components for all ecotypes were calculated using alleles frequencies of 12 microsatellites markers. PC estimates were obtained with PowerMarker V.3.25 procedure.
All markers were polymorphic at their respective loci. A total of 53 alleles were scored in all the ecotypes as described by table 2 below.
Table 2. Microsatellite allele frequencies, allele number, and heterozygosity values in Cameroon native goats |
Marker |
Maj.All.Frg |
All.No |
Hob |
Het |
MAF035 |
0.69 |
4 |
0.372±0.121 |
0.434±0.067 |
MAF209 |
0.51 |
7 |
0.625±0.109 |
0.598±0.076 |
0.53 |
7 |
0.336±0.080 |
0.505±0.051 |
0.56 |
7 |
0.350±0.094 |
0.657±0.038 |
MAF065 |
0.81 |
2 |
0.000±0.000 |
0.000±0.000 |
TGLA53 |
0.62 |
4 |
0.181±0.075 |
0.295±0.050 |
BM6444 |
0.92 |
4 |
0.000±0.000 |
0.056±0.056 |
ILSTS087 |
0.92 |
2 |
0.000±0.000 |
0.000±0.000 |
INRA0132 |
0.79 |
8 |
0.272±0.127 |
0.265±0.109 |
INRA063 |
0.81 |
4 |
0.028±0.020 |
0.118±0.077 |
MAF70 |
0.71 |
5 |
0.056±0.037 |
0.264±0.064 |
SPS113 |
0.51 |
7 |
0.409±0.075 |
0.389±0.073 |
Mean |
0.70 |
5.08 |
0.219±0.029 |
0.298±0.028 |
: Major Alleles Frequencies; All.No: Alleles Number; |
Table 3. Polymorphic information content, gene diversity and Fst estimates in Cameroon native goats |
Micros. Marker |
Gen.Div |
Fst |
MAF035 |
0.43 |
0.47 |
0.228 |
MAF209 |
0.61 |
0.65 |
0.110 |
0.56 |
0.62 |
0.104 |
0.59 |
0.62 |
0.123 |
MAF065 |
0.25 |
0.30 |
NA |
TGLA53 |
0.45 |
0.52 |
0.312 |
BM6444 |
0.13 |
0.14 |
0.928 |
ILSTS087 |
0.12 |
0.13 |
1.000 |
INRA0132 |
0.33 |
0.35 |
0.677 |
INRA063 |
0.29 |
0.31 |
0.859 |
MAF70 |
0.41 |
0.45 |
0.508 |
SPS113 |
0.54 |
0.61 |
0.135 |
Mean |
0.39 |
0.43 |
0.453 |
Micros. Marker
: Microsatellite Marker; |
Table 4. Heterozygosity values and number of alleles in Cameroon goat ecotypes |
Ecotypes |
N |
Het |
No.alleles |
Coastal |
26 |
0.183 |
22 |
Forest (rain forest-Centre) |
27 |
0.338 |
29 |
Forest (rain forest-East) |
20 |
0.291 |
25 |
High Guinean Savannah |
19 |
0.253 |
22 |
Sahelian |
19 |
0.167 |
25 |
Soudanian |
23 |
0.138 |
34 |
Western Highlands -West |
27 |
0.252 |
26 |
Western Highlands-North West |
18 |
0.130 |
26 |
N: Size; Het: Heterozygosity expected; No.alleles: Number of Alleles |
Table 5. Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) in Cameroon native goats |
Source of variation |
Degree of freedom |
Sum of squares |
Variance components |
Percentage of variation |
Among ecotypes |
2 |
140.426 |
3.88784 Va |
33.24 |
Among populations within ecotypes |
18 |
222.198 |
2.10398 Vb |
18.84 |
Within ecotypes |
44 |
246.637 |
5.60538 Vc |
47.92 |
Total |
64 |
609.262 |
11.69721- |
Fixation Indices : FSC : 0.28222 ; FST : 0.52079 ; FCT : 0.33237. Significance tests (1023 permutations) Vc and FST : P(rand. value < obs. value) = 0.00000 P(rand. value = obs. value) = 0.00000 P-value = 0.00000+-0.00000 Vb and FSC : P(rand. value > obs. value) = 0.27566 P(rand. value = obs. value) = 0.00000 P-value = 0.27566+-0.01611 Va and FCT : P(rand. value > obs. value) = 0.00000 P(rand. value = obs. value) = 0.00000 P-value = 0.00000+-0.00000 |
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Figure 3. Principal component analysis in Cameroon native goats |
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Figure 4. Phylogeny relationships among Cameroon native goats using neighbour-joining procedure |
Genomic DNA extraction from hair root samples in Cameroon goats was proven effective. FTA cards have been developed giving a high degree of satisfaction in genotyping (Mburu & Hanotte 2005). However, the costs involved and incompetent procurement procedures remain a great challenge within research institutions in Cameroon. Despite the incidence of PCR inhibitors that could interact and interfere with SSR amplification, Say et al (1999) used hair method in DNA analysis of feral cats.
Cameroon goats had a considerable variation (within and between) ecotypes based molecular variance, heterozygosity and number of alleles. The number of alleles ranged from 2 to 8 which is lower than what Tesfaye (2004) reported in Ethiopian goats (4 to 23), Mujibi (2005) in West African Dwarf goats (4 to 21) and Saitbekova et al (1999) in Swiss goat breeds (3 to19). The relatively low number of heterozygotes could be due to locus under selection, null alleles, inbreeding or presence of population substructure (Wahlund effect).
Cameroon goat ecotypes studied showed significant differentiation and structuring within themselves. The FST value overall ecotypes was 0.053. This indicates that about 5% of the total genetic diversity was observed among populations and 95% was observed within populations. The total genetic diversity observed between populations was similar to other studies done on African goat populations namely West African Dwarf goats was 5.4% (Mujibi 2005). But populations outside Africa showed slightly higher between population variation, 17% among Swiss goats (Saitbekova et al 1999), 11% among Italian goats (Ajamone-Marsan et al 2001) and 10.5% among Chinese goats (Li et al 2002). When a population is divided into isolated subpopulations, there is less heterozygosity than there would be if the populations were undivided. Founder effects acting on different schemes generally lead to subpopulation with allele frequencies that are different from the larger population.
The PCA and NJ tree classified the populations into 4 major clusters mainly along the geographical locations. The Sahelian ecotype (long-legged) stood out distinctly different from the rest thus suggesting a different ancestry or breed development. The southern ecotypes showed a tendency of admixture to be confirmed under structure analysis, probably because of random mating (Meutchieye et al 2008) and trading systems linked to urbanization. The information obtained in this study will aid to some extent their rational development, utilization and conservation, provided complementary investigations.
Genomic DNA from hair root samples was satisfactory enough to generate fragments despite the presence of PCR inhibitors. All the 12 microsatellites applied were polymorphic in all ecotypes studied. Very low number of alleles was detected by markers ILSTS087 and MAF065. Our results suggest that native goat populations are genetically varied. We observed a tendency of admixture in southern ecotypes compared to northern ecotypes. The phylogenetic tree clustered the various groups accordingly to agro climatic and husbandry systems patterns. These results could be strengthened by application of larger number of microsatellites, mitochondrial DNA analysis, SNP analysis and designing of markers targeting specific interesting trait like precocious and twinning in some of local populations for a better breeding program.
We are grateful to BecA-ILRI for grant provided through the Africa Biosciences Challenge Fund (ILRI-CSIRO partnerships). BecA-ILRI lab technicians, goat keepers and Small Ruminants Support Program MINEPIA-Cameroon gave us their attention and guidance during the study.
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Received 25 March 2014; Accepted 17 June 2014; Published 1 July 2014