Livestock Research for Rural Development 24 (7) 2012 | Guide for preparation of papers | LRRD Newsletter | Citation of this paper |
In this research the existence of genotype by environment interaction (G × E)on milk production traits (milk yield, fat yield, protein yield, fat percentage and protein percentage) was investigated by considering relevant records in different production levels as different traits. Production level (PL) considered as the average milk production traits of herd-year calving.Data on Holstein cows from 2001 to 2010 were used. Herd-years of calving means for milk production traits were clustered in three levels using the FASTCLUS procedure in SAS software. Production levels included low, medium and high levels. For these traits, G × E were investigated by applying a multiple-trait random regression sire model.
Additive genetic and permanent environmental variances of milk production traits varied in different production levels. Estimated heritabilities for milk production traits as a function of days in milk were highest in high production levels with an exception for protein percentage. Generally, the highest heritability estimates of 305-d milk production traitswere found in high PL rather than low PL. Low spearman correlations between estimated breeding values of the 20 top sires among low and medium PL (0.38) and between low and high PL (0.39) of milk yield showed re-ranking of sires for these levels.The greatest G×E was observed for milk yield and protein percentage, with a genetic correlation for 305-d equal to 0.79 between low and high production levels. Results from this research indicated that milk production of daughters of the same sires depends greatly on the production environment.
Keywords: Genetic Correlation, Genotype by Environment Interaction, Production Levels, Random Regression Model
The environments in which dairy farming is practiced in Iran vary in many ways, such as the average herd production, level of feeding, elevation and climate variables including temperature and humidity. The phenomenon by which different genotypes respond differently to changes in their environments is known as genotype by environment interaction (G×E) or as differences in environmental sensitivity of genotypes (Falconer and Mackay 1996). This interaction can cause different ranking of animals across environments or a change of scale, i.e., variance, across environments (Lynch and Walsh 1998). If a genotype by environment interaction exists, the ranking of sires for milk production traits of their daughters will vary from one environment to another. However, re-ranking of sires across environments is limited for milk production traits (Veerkamp et al 1995; Cromie et al 1998; Calus et al 2002); although there is evidence that variances and heritabilities vary. An environmental parameter reflected the environment encountered by the animals; such as production level of herds (Veerkamp and Goddard 1998; Calus et al 2002), or other characteristics of the herds, such as average age at calving (Fikse et al 2003).
Typically, estimated genetic correlations across environments are used to estimate the degree of re-ranking. Genotype by environmental interaction is reflected by the genetic correlation between different production levels. High estimates of genetic correlations between environments (>0.80) suggest no evidence for strong G × E (Robertson 1959). Using herd production level as a substitute for the level of feeding, Veerkamp and Goddard (1998) reported a genetic correlation of 0.79 between Australian dairy herds with <20 kg of milk yield per day and herd with >24 kg of milk production per day.
Calus et al(2002) reported similar results for genetic correlations between extreme classes of herd production level in Dutch dairy cattle.Hammami et al (2008) reported that genetic correlation for 305-days milk between Tunisia and Luxemburg countries was 0.60 and spearman rank correlation between estimated breeding values (EBV) of common sires for this trait from within-country analyses was 0.41. Kolver et al (2002) reported significant G×E for milk and fertility traits when the performance of New Zealand and imported Holstein Friesian dairy cows were compared on all pasture or total mixed ration systems.The purpose of the present research was to estimate genotype by environment interaction for milk production traits and to investigate the effects of production levels on re-ranking of sires EBVs.
Total of test-day records for first lactation Holstein cows from 2001 to 2010 were extracted from the Animal Breeding Center database at Karaj, Iran. Records were edited on the following criteria: cows with known sires and having age at first calving from 21 to 46 month, edits excluded irregular data for daily milk yield (<1.0 and >75 kg), fat percentage (<1.5% and >9%), and protein percentage (<1% and >7%), cows were required to have a minimum of five test-day (TD) records between 5 and 305 days in milk (DIM) and herd-year of calving subclasses with at last 10 cow records. Additional data edits eliminated sires that had progeny in fewer than three herds and herds that used fewer than three sires.
The FASTCLUS procedure of SAS software (SAS 2003) was used to clustering and average of trait in herd-year of calving grouped in three clusters. Common sires had at last 10 daughters in each group of production levels. The pedigree file included animal code, sire code and maternal grandsire code. Therefore, all of the sires had genetic relationship with common sires kept in the analysis.
For examining a genotype × production levels interaction, the performances of cows in production levels were considered as different traits. Thus, the following multiple-trait sire model, which considered the performance of daughters of sires in the three production levels as different correlated traits, was fitted:
The following (co)variance structure was assumed for random effects of model:
where G is sire genetic (co)variance matrix among random regression coefficients and A is additive numerator relationship matrix between sires. The matrix P was the cow effects variance-covariance matrix among random regression coefficients, and e was residual variances for each traits and I represents an identity matrix with ones on the diagonal. G and P are 12×12 (co)variances matrix of regression coefficients. All across-production levels (co)variances in P equal to zero because this effect was considered independent across production levels.
The first four Legendre polynomial functions (Kirkpatric et al 1990) were given as:
where w is a standardized unit of DIM and ranged from -1 to +1. Estimated (co)variance component of milk production traits were obtained by REMLF90 program based on restricted maximum likelihood method (Misztal et al 2002).
sire and permanent environmental (co)variances matrices for each DIM were
calculated as:
In sire model analysis, EBVs were computed via multiplying sire additive genetic value by 2. Spearman rank correlations between EBV of common sires in each group were used to assess the level of re-ranking of sires in different production levels for milk yield, protein yield, fat yield, protein percentage and fat percentage calculated using the procedure CORR of SAS (SAS2003).
The mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation of milk production traits and other descriptive statistics for different production levels are summarized in Table 1. The number of cows per common sires was the lowest in the low production level and highest in high production level for milk yield. For other traits, the medium production level has the highest cows number per common sires.For milk yield, the average age in the low production group was larger than in the other levels. Coefficient of determinations by production levels for each trait (using PROCFASTCLUS) were higher than 0.70.PROC FASTCLUS caused that within group’s variances decreased to minimum, and maximized differences between groups; therefore, coefficient of variance in each group was low (Table 1).
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of data sets for milk production traits in different production levels (PL) |
PL |
Parameter |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Total |
Milk yield |
TD records, no. |
87431 |
261269 |
478598 |
827295 |
Means ±SD (kg) |
19.9 ±2.42 |
26.7 ±1.54 |
31.2 ±1.56 |
27.5 ±4.08 |
CV (%) |
12.1 |
5.76 |
5.00 |
14.8 |
Cows, no. |
10666 |
30854 |
56616 |
98136 |
Common sire, no. |
373 |
373 |
373 |
373 |
Cows. /common sire, no. |
28.6 |
82.7 |
151.8 |
263 |
HY, no. |
420 |
951 |
775 |
2146 |
HTD, no. |
4782 |
10214 |
8003 |
22999 |
Age at first calving (avg), mo. |
30.2 |
26.9 |
26.6 |
27.0 |
Fat yield |
TD records, no. |
146561 |
415377 |
265114 |
827052 |
Means ±SD (g) |
683±94.7 |
911±61.4 |
1126±90.3 |
929±173 |
CV (%) |
13.9 |
6.74 |
8.02 |
18.7 |
Cows, no. |
17916 |
53410 |
33807 |
105133 |
Common sire, no. |
366 |
366 |
366 |
366 |
Cows. /common sire, no. |
48.9 |
145 |
92.4 |
287 |
HY, no. |
444 |
1104 |
658 |
2206 |
HTD, no. |
4847 |
12025 |
7781 |
24653 |
Age at first calving (avg), mo. |
27.5 |
26.9 |
26.5 |
26.9 |
Protein yield |
TD records, no. |
46016 |
326381 |
217933 |
590330 |
Means ±SD (g) |
663±102 |
863±48.5 |
1023±71.3 |
891±135 |
CV (%) |
15.4 |
5.62 |
6.97 |
15.2 |
Cows, no. |
6845 |
42802 |
28325 |
77972 |
Common sire, no. |
324 |
324 |
324 |
324 |
Cows. /common sire, no. |
21.1 |
132 |
87.4 |
240 |
HY, no. |
263 |
950 |
589 |
1802 |
HTD, no. |
2199 |
9524 |
6637 |
18360 |
Age at first calving (avg), mo. |
27.9 |
26.8 |
26.6 |
26.8 |
Fat % |
TD records, no. |
199931 |
376226 |
136896 |
713053 |
Means ±SD (%) |
3.04 ±0.137 |
3.36 ±0.0831 |
3.67 ±0.131 |
3.41 ±0.248 |
CV (%) |
4.51 |
2.47 |
3.57 |
7.27 |
Cows, no. |
24328 |
46853 |
16747 |
87928 |
Common sire, no. |
405 |
405 |
405 |
405 |
Cows /common sire, no. |
60.1 |
115 |
41.4 |
217 |
HY, no. |
643 |
1237 |
515 |
2395 |
HTD, no. |
6225 |
12131 |
5066 |
23422 |
Age at first calving (avg), mo. |
26.8 |
27.0 |
27.0 |
26.9 |
Protein % |
TD records, no. |
165047 |
357267 |
130133 |
652446 |
Means ±SD (%) |
2.92 ±0.0950 |
3.11 ±0.0549 |
3.36 ±0.133 |
3.07 ±0.142 |
CV (%) |
3.25 |
1.77 |
3.96 |
4.63 |
Cows, no. |
21319 |
43911 |
16009 |
81239 |
Common sire, no. |
430 |
430 |
430 |
430 |
Cows. /common sire, no. |
49.6 |
102 |
37.2 |
188 |
HY, no. |
403 |
1162 |
151 |
1716 |
HTD, no. |
4173 |
12333 |
1648 |
18154 |
Age at first calving (avg), mo. |
26.3 |
26.8 |
27.0 |
26.2 |
The sire additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual variances for 305-day production were heterogeneous among production levels, but the sire additive genetic variances of medium and high levels for protein percentage were similar and lower than sire additive variances in low production level (Table 2).
![]() |
3 reflected (co)variance components for random regression coefficients for
calculating of sire additive genetic, permanent environmental and
residual variances (
respectively) of each trait in different PL. Residual variances for all
traits in the low production level were lower than inother levels.
Difference in variance component values between PL indicated that there were
differences in heritabilities between PL. Heritabilities for milk production
traits as a function of DIM in the three levels of production are shown in
Figure 1. Heritabilities for milk yield by DIM were higher than for other
traits. These heritabilities are in accordance with other studies (Shadparvar
and Yazdanshenas 2005; Abdullahpour et al 2010). Generally, heritabilities
for milk production traits were the highest in the high production level,
except for protein percentage. The highest heritabilities for protein
percentage in low PL was due to highest sire additive genetic variances.
Table 3. (Co)variance components for random regression coefficients of sire additive genetic (G), cow permanent environmental (PE) and residual (R) variances of each trait in different production levels (PL) with multiple-trait random regression sire model |
Parameters |
Milk yield (kg) |
Fat yield (g) |
Protein yield (g) |
Fat % (×10-3) |
Protein % (×10-3) |
PL |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Low |
Medium |
High |
G |
a0 |
a0 |
0.910 |
2.80 |
3.40 |
1232 |
1536 |
2412 |
1056 |
1975 |
2760 |
5.26 |
13.2 |
18.8 |
4.15 |
3.07 |
3.06 |
a0 |
a1 |
0.103 |
0.360 |
0.604 |
80.8 |
291 |
448 |
263 |
368 |
623 |
1.11 |
1.87 |
2.15 |
0.51 |
0.47 |
0.42 |
a0 |
a2 |
-0.0483 |
-0.139 |
-0.236 |
-27.5 |
28.5 |
50.2 |
-23.4 |
-104 |
-122 |
-0.05 |
-0.82 |
-1.13 |
-0.08 |
-0.12 |
-0.01 |
a0 |
a3 |
0.0949 |
0.123 |
0.224 |
13.6 |
8.87 |
-9.52 |
-16.3 |
34.3 |
122 |
-0.06 |
-0.07 |
0.47 |
0.03 |
-0.04 |
-0.07 |
a1 |
a1 |
0.122 |
0.187 |
0.292 |
109 |
174 |
235 |
510 |
180 |
322 |
0.60 |
1.01 |
1.30 |
0.73 |
0.37 |
0.55 |
a1 |
a2 |
-0.0258 |
-0.0322 |
-0.0509 |
1.65 |
2.46 |
23.3 |
-29.6 |
-28.7 |
-2.93 |
0.13 |
-0.35 |
-0.46 |
-0.11 |
-0.05 |
0.04 |
a1 |
a3 |
0.0158 |
0.0142 |
0.0459 |
-18.4 |
-3.38 |
-7.34 |
-26.6 |
4.25 |
23.3 |
-0.05 |
0.24 |
0.48 |
0.04 |
0.00 |
-0.04 |
a2 |
a2 |
0.0386 |
0.0326 |
0.0544 |
49.7 |
23.9 |
37.1 |
56.8 |
26.0 |
29.3 |
0.21 |
0.29 |
0.45 |
0.09 |
0.05 |
0.24 |
a2 |
a3 |
-0.0176 |
-0.0139 |
-0.0249 |
-15.9 |
-15.8 |
-7.02 |
-4.47 |
-2.32 |
-7.27 |
-0.09 |
-0.17 |
-0.33 |
-0.01 |
0.01 |
-0.02 |
a3 |
a3 |
0.0264 |
0.0225 |
0.0320 |
22.6 |
19.1 |
14.6 |
23.3 |
14.1 |
15.3 |
0.23 |
0.21 |
0.61 |
0.04 |
0.04 |
0.14 |
PE |
p0 |
p0 |
19.1 |
33.6 |
38.0 |
22100 |
28830 |
39990 |
20000 |
26240 |
32970 |
99.9 |
134 |
152 |
36.9 |
28.4 |
29.0 |
p0 |
p1 |
0.949 |
1.73 |
2.86 |
-371 |
98.5 |
1154 |
2010 |
2701 |
3522 |
8.29 |
14.1 |
13.5 |
3.04 |
3.12 |
2.74 |
p0 |
p2 |
-1.09 |
-2.08 |
-2.08 |
-455 |
-621 |
-1124 |
-1827 |
-1423 |
-1577 |
-0.60 |
-1.43 |
-3.08 |
-0.05 |
0.65 |
-0.67 |
p0 |
p3 |
-0.216 |
0.119 |
0.540 |
-3.69 |
-103 |
-154 |
436 |
-88.4 |
23.3 |
-7.99 |
-5.07 |
-3.95 |
-1.51 |
-1.21 |
-0.46 |
p1 |
p1 |
3.23 |
5.30 |
6.17 |
3326 |
5527 |
6516 |
252 |
4598 |
5829 |
29.1 |
35.7 |
34.9 |
9.11 |
8.71 |
8.03 |
p1 |
p2 |
-0.326 |
-0.660 |
-0.661 |
-1661 |
-1626 |
-1412 |
-184 |
-367 |
-542 |
-7.64 |
-12.0 |
-11.5 |
-2.41 |
-1.88 |
-1.89 |
p1 |
p3 |
-0.206 |
-0.383 |
-0.295 |
421 |
-177 |
-378 |
40.7 |
-297 |
-314 |
8.65 |
7.89 |
12.0 |
2.31 |
2.93 |
3.55 |
p2 |
p2 |
1.483 |
2.06 |
2.34 |
1058 |
2344 |
2469 |
191 |
1855 |
2187 |
19.2 |
21.4 |
20.2 |
4.66 |
4.12 |
3.96 |
p2 |
p3 |
-0.249 |
-0.404 |
-0.538 |
-273 |
-1074 |
-1288 |
-40.3 |
-351 |
-522 |
-5.98 |
-9.77 |
-11.8 |
-2.30 |
-2.24 |
-1.17 |
p3 |
p3 |
0.797 |
1.10 |
1.23 |
208 |
1232 |
1349 |
30.4 |
822 |
1055 |
16.3 |
18.6 |
19.8 |
4.05 |
4.64 |
4.47 |
R |
r1 |
r1 |
7.69 |
10.1 |
12.7 |
37040 |
39600 |
53410 |
13100 |
14620 |
17610 |
215 |
401 |
340 |
41.9 |
61.4 |
72.7 |
![]() |
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![]() |
Figure 1a. Estimated heritability (h2) as a function of days in milk (DIM) in three levels of production for milk yield | Figure 1b. Estimated heritability (h2) as a function of days in milk (DIM) in three levels of production for fat yield | Figure 1c. Estimated heritability (h2) as a function of days in milk (DIM) in three levels of production for protein yield |
![]() |
![]() |
Figure 1d. Estimated heritability (h2) as a function of days in milk (DIM) in three levels of production for fat percentage | Figure 1e. Estimated heritability (h2) as a function of days in milk (DIM) in three levels of production for protein percentage |
Generally, heritability for 305-days production in low PL was lower than in high PL. But for protein percentage, heritability in the low production level was higher than for the other levels (Table 4). Greater heritability values for herds with greater milk yield averages have been observed frequently. Veerkamp and Goddard (1998) indicated that the genetic variance for milk yield in high-input systems is greater than the genetic variances in low-input systems. Van Vleck (1988) indicated that genetic and phenotypic variances were different from farm to farm, in most cases. The reason of this difference is the result of a more complete expression of the genetic potential in the high production level as result of a better environment (Hill et al 1983; Powell et al 1983 and Ceron-Munoz et al 2004).
Table 4. Spearman correlation coefficients for the 20 top sires (below diagonal), estimated 305-days heritabilities (on diagonals and bold) and 305-days genetic correlations (above diagonal) by production levels (PL) for milk production traits |
Trait |
PL |
low |
Medium |
High |
Milk yield |
Low |
0.18 |
0.83 |
0.79 |
Medium |
0.38 |
0.31 |
0.99 |
High |
0.39 |
0.96 |
0.33 |
Fat yield |
Low |
0.21 |
0.89 |
0.85 |
Medium |
0.80 |
0.20 |
0.99 |
High |
0.92 |
0.77 |
0.23 |
Protein yield |
Low |
0.20 |
0.92 |
0.88 |
Medium |
0.81 |
0.28 |
0.98 |
High |
0.60 |
0.76 |
0.31 |
Fat % |
Low |
0.20 |
0.93 |
0.93 |
Medium |
0.80 |
0.35 |
0.97 |
High |
0.92 |
0.77 |
0.43 |
Protein % |
Low |
0.40 |
0.93 |
0.79 |
Medium |
0.93 |
0.39 |
0.90 |
High |
0.60 |
0.70 |
0.38 |
Different genetic variances and heritabilities in different production levels revealed unequal genetic expression of dairy cattle genes. Differences in additive genetic variances obtained for different production levels imply that a scaling effect exists for EBV of sires across these PL.
The genetic correlation coefficients for milk production traits between PL varied and indicated the presence of a G×E interaction. Generally, the lowest genetic correlations were estimated across low and high production levels that were 0.79 for milk yield and protein percentage, suggesting that G×E would have an important impact on animal performance (Robertson 1959). For fat percentage, genetic correlations between production levels were greater than 0.90, suggesting that sires will rank similarly in the three production levels (Table 4). However, differences in variance estimates across these production levels may lead to scaling effects in sires’ EBV, especially between low and high levels. The low genetic correlations are thought to be due to differences in feeding systems or feeding levels and climate variables between herds on different PL.
Spearman rank correlations across three production levels for 20 top sires, are given in Table 4. Spearman rank correlations for milk yield across PL were lower than other traits. These correlations between low and medium and also between low and high production levels were less than 0.40, whereas between medium and high production levels was 0.96. Correlation between EBV of sires in low and high PL for protein percentage was 0.60. This results reflected low genetic correlation between these PL (rg<0.80). Low genetic and spearman correlations are translated as re-ranking of sires across production levels. Cienfuegos-Rivas et al (1999) found low rank correlation coefficient (0.59) between herds in low milk production level in Mexico and all herds in the United States. They concluded that this result was evidence for a significant G × E interaction and that sires were ranked differently in the Mexican environment compared with their ranking in the United States. Peterson (1988) reported that re-ranking was observed for Canadian sires when they were used in New Zealand. The authors suspected this is caused by the decreased ability of Canadian sires daughters to get sufficient energy intakes from exclusive pasture regimens in New Zealand. When genetic correlations of traits decreased, the need for a separate breeding program increases (Mulder and Bijma 2006; Nauta et al 2006).
In general, results from this study indicated potential interactions between genotype and environment for milk production traits in Iranian Holsteins dairy cattle. One possible use of this information would be to improve the accuracy of evaluation of performance of sires in different production levels. Therefore, special sires should be selected for each production levels.
The authors thank animal breeding center of Karaj, Iran for providing the data. We also want to express our deepest thanks to Hedi Hammami for his helpful contribution.
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Received 5 May 2012; Accepted 3 June 2012; Published 1 July 2012