Livestock Research for Rural Development 1 (1) 1989

Citation of this paper

Livestock Research for Rural Development

Thomas R Preston* and Andrew W Speedy**

*Fundación CIPAV, AA 20591, Cali, Colombia
**Department of Plant Science, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PF, UK

A computerised research journal to promote communication among scientists and decision makers concerned with the role of livestock technologies in rural development in the Third World


Communication among scientists working in developing countries has always been difficult. There are many reasons for this. International scientific journals are without exception published in the industrialised countries. Their editorial policies reflect the interests of these countries; not those of developing countries. Many of them levy page charges (in hard currency!!). They are also highly expensive and beyond the reach of most individual scientists. In libraries and other educational and research institutions in the developing world, budgets are invariably restricted thus it is difficult to subscribe to all, or even a reasonable proportion of, the current journals and research periodicals.

Scientists from developing countries find it difficult to have their papers published internationally, due often to the impossibility of paying the page charges; or satisfying the editorial requirements.

The information published in the scientific journals of developed countries increasingly becomes less relevant to readers in developing countries. This is due to the current agricultural situation in industrial countries where surpluses of agricultural products and concern for human health jointly have had the effect of discouraging applied agricultural research and promoting work on human nutrition.

Finally, there is the delay between finishing a piece of research and having the paper available in print. At least a year on average, and often more, is the lag time. Much of this delay in incurred by time spent in editing and reviewing but in the developing countries, this is compounded by the unreliable postal services.

Fortunately, developments in information technology are rapidly revolutionising the way written material is processed and transmitted. Not only in developed, but also in developing countries, micro-computers and their accessories are becoming commonplace.


The long term aims of the journal are:

The specific aims are:

Livestock Research for Rural Development achieves these objectives because:

The policy

The title of the journal is Livestock Research for Rural Development. The principal language will be English but papers will be accepted and published also in French, Spanish and Portuguese. Each paper will have a summary and key words in English and in the language in which the paper is written. One volume will be published each year, consisting of four or more numbers, each number consisting, on average, of 10 papers together with lists of contents and indices. The maximum length will normally be 16 pages (800 lines). Short notes are encouraged provided they are relevant to the aims of the journal.

The necessary equipment

Livestock Research for Rural Development can be read on any IBM compatible microcomputer with a minimum memory size of 256 Kbytes and one floppy disk drive, either 5.25 or 3.5 inch size. It will operate under MS-DOS 2.1 or more. It requires no modification to the CONFIG or AUTOEXEC files, no drivers to be installed and no specialised computer training. It can be viewed on monochrome, non-graphics screens and can be printed out on any printer that can reproduce the standard (USA) ASCII character set. The basic machine is available for as little as US$500, before local taxes and duties. The same equipment will run a word processor and spreadsheet/database which are the essential tools of the research worker.

The Software and Text Files

The journal consists of the articles, written in ASCII format (they can be TYPEd or PRINTed from MS-DOS), and a simple software package that allows the user to view the articles and print them out on any printer. The program JOURNAL.COM was written in TURBO PASCAL and compiled for efficient operation. It is controlled by the cursor keys, the return key and 6 function keys, with no need for typed commands, except for the initial `JOURNAL'. A small text file stores the volume details and contents.

Articles can be written using most popular wordprocessors. CIPAV specialises in WORDPERFECT 5 and this can convert files from WORDSTAR, WP 4.2, DISPLAY WRITE and PROFESSIONAL WRITE. The only limitations are to avoid tabulations and indents, which must be replaced with spaces, and font changes and other specialist commands which are not possible to reproduce in ASCII.

Data are presented in tabular form at present, because of the limitations of some computers, printers and VDUs in handling graphics.

Administration and Editing:

The journal will be administred through a coordinating editorial centre (CIPAV, Colombia), in collaboration with the Department of Plant Sciences, Oxford University, UK, the Animal Production and Health Department of the joint FAO/IAEA Division of the IAEA, Vienna, the International Foundation for Science, and sub- editorial groups representing each of the four languages and the major continental groupings.

Submission of papers

Papers must be submitted on disk (either 3.5 or 5.25inch), to the regional language sub-editor. Authors are required to have their papers refereed, before submission, by at least two scientists who have both post graduate qualifications and proven experience. A signed statement by the referees should accompany the submission. When authors have difficulty in locating appropriate referees, they should contact the nearest sub-editor who will provide names of suitable candidates.

The papers can be written with the aid of any of the major word processing programmes (eg: Word Perfect, Word Star, Word, Display Write, Professional Write). If other word processing packages are used (eg: FRAMEWORK) the paper should be saved in ASCII. The paper can be in any of the official languages: Spanish, Portuguese, French and English, but the preferred format should be followed (see notes for contributers).

For example, a paper originating from an African researcher and written in French should be submitted to the nearest sub-editor (French), in this case Dr C Kayouli, of the Institut National Agronomique, Tunis, Tunisia. The sub-editor will have the final responsibility for acceptance (or otherwise) of the paper and will then send the disk direct to the coordinating centre in Colombia. Similar procedures will be followed by researchers working in other languages and geographical regions.

In order to ensure that the journal can be printed with the minimum of hardware and software, data presentation will be restricted initially to tables. These should be written bearing in mind that the final paper will be prepared in ASCI format, thus the text should be written for standard size paper (65 characters x 54 lines, allowing for margins) and tables should not exceed 23 lines in length, so they can be accommodated on a standard monitor and printer. Graphs and similar illustration will not be accepted in view of the special requirements these impose on printers.

To save time and money, papers (disks) will not normally be returned to authors (unless they so wish and are prepared to pay the costs). Papers that are accepted will be published as received with only minor editing.

The disks containing the edited papers will be received by the coordinating unit in Colombia. Editing will be minimal, mainly to ensure uniformity in style of presentation. As soon as 10 papers are available the particular number of the journal will be closed and the table of contents and indices prepared. The journal will be copied on both 3.5 and 5.25 inch disks and sent to sub-editors and to institutions and individuals who will copy and distribute the disks for individual subscribers.

For the final number of each year a volume index will be prepared of subjects and authors.

Subscribers to the journal:

Subscriptions to the journal will be paid for in the form of one floppy disk (or equivalent) for each number. To receive the journal the potential subscriber simply sends TWO blank disks (3.5 or 5.25 inch) with a return stamped and addressed envelope, to the nearest collaborator. The journal will be copied onto one of the disks which will be returned to the subscriber. The second disk will be retained as payment.

Further possibilities

Livestock Research for Rural Development is not only a cheap medium for publication; it affords new potential for the transmission of scientific data.

Despite the simple form of the original disks, the journal may be printed on high quality laser printers for retention on bookshelves and in libraries.

Tabulated data in ASCII format can be further processed by the reader by statistical analysis or graphic presentation. The limitations of machine compatability prevent the inclusion of graphs and diagrams in the journal but the subscriber is recommended to obtain a suitable graphics package such as LOTUS 1-2-3 or HARVARD GRAPHICS, to import the data, and to produce his or her own graphical material from the original data.

Future developments in technology, such as compact discs and other new storage media, will permit further development of the concept and increased capacity for publication.

Coordinating editorial centre

Edificio Cámara de Comercio,
Apartado Aéreo 7482, Cali, Colombia.
Fax: (923)824627; Telex: 055724; Tel: (923)823271

Thomas R Preston (Editor)
Héctor Osorio (Technical Editor)
Mauricio Rosales (Technical Editor)
Enrique Murgueitio (Technical editor)

Central Editorial Board

José A Aguilar Jaqueline Ashby
Raúl Botero Julián Buitrago
Jaime Forero Humberto Rojas

Sub-editors and collaborators

The following have agreed to act as sub-editors and/or to receive, copy and forward the disks.

Sub-editorial group (Spanish):

Professor Juan F Gálvez,
Universidad Politécnica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos, Madrid 28040, España
Tel: 2444807

South America:
Instituto de Producción Animal,
Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay
Fax: (5843) 25204

Central America:
Dr Raúl Godoy,
Facultad de Medicina Veterinaría y Zootecnia, Universidad de Yucatán, Mérida, Apartado 116D, Yucatán, México

Instituto de Ciencia Animal e Instituto de Investigaciones Porcinas,
Gaveta Postal #1, Punta Brava, La Habana, Cuba
(Tel: 299112; Telex: 51-1269 CIMEX CU)

Sub-editorial group (English)

Dr Andrew Speedy,
Plant Sciences Department, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PF, United Kingdom.
(Tel: 0865-270872/80; Telex: 83147 VIA OR G; Fax: 0865-270708)

Dr E R Orskov,
Rowett Research Institute, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, UK
(Tel: 0224 712751; Telex: 739988 ROWETT G)

South-East Asia and Pacific:
Dr R A Leng,
Universidad de New England, Armidale NSW 2351, Australia
(Tel: 067-732707; Telex: AA166050; Fax: 067-733122).

Dr Thomas R Preston,
CIPAV, Apartado Aéreo 7482, Cali, COLOMBIA
(Tel: 923-823271; Telex: 055724; FAX: 923-824627)

Dr Peter Cheeke,
Department Animal Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-6702, USA
(Tel: 503- 7543431; Telex: 5105960682 OSU COVS)

Sub-editorial group (French):

Dr C Kayouli,
Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, 43 Avenue Charles Nicole, 1002 Tunis-Belvedere, Republique de Tunisie
(Tel: 280 950)

Dr Jacques Hardouin,
Department de Production et Sante Animales, Institut de Medicine Tropicale Prince Leopold, 155, Nationalestraat, B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium
Tel: 03-238.58.80 Telex: 31648 TROPIC Fax:

Sub-editorial group (portugese):

Dr Pablo Machado,
Dept of Zoology, Fundacao de Estudios Agrarios "Luiz de Queroz", Ave Padua Dias II, 13400 Piracicaba, Brazil
(Tel: 330011)

International institutions and individuals that will receive, copy and forward journal disks

International institutions

International Foundation for Science (Dr Christina Arosenius)
Grev Turegatan 19, S-114 38, Stockholm, Suecia
Tel: 46-8-791-2900; Telex: 13722 IFS S; Fax: 4686602618

IAEA (Animal Production and Health Division) (Dr James Dargie),
Wagramerstrasse 5, PO Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria;
Tel: (222)2360-0; Telex: 1-12645; Fax: 234564

Individual Collaborators (by country)

Professor R A Leng,
Department Biochemistry, Microbiology and Nutrition, University New England, Armidale NSW2351, Australia
Tel: (067)732707 Of; Telex: AA166050; Fax: 067.733122

Mr Keith Laurie,
Sugarland Farms, Salters, St George, Barbados

Dr Jacques Hardouin,
Department de Production et Sante Animales, Institut de Medicine Tropicale. 155, Nationalestraat, B-2000 Antwerp,Belgium.
Tel: 03-238.58.80; Telex: 31648 TROPIC B; Fax:

Mr René Montero,
Department of Agriculture, Central Farm, Cayo District, Belize CA;
Tel: 0922131 or 0922129

Dr Paulo F Machado,
Dept of Zoology, Fundacao de Estudios Agrarios "Luiz de Queroz", Ave Padua Dias II, 13400 Piracicaba, Brazil.

Instituto de Ciencia Animal,
Tulipán, No 1011 2/47 and Loma, Nuevo Vedado 6, La Habana,

Instituto de Investigaciones Porcinas, Gaveta Postal #1, Punta Brava, La Habana, Cuba;
Tel: 299112 ; Telex: c/o 51-1269 CIMEX CU

Dr Frands Dolberg,
17 Novembervej, 8210 Aarhus V, Dinamarca;
Tel: 06-152704; Telex:c/o DANIDA 31292 JK D

Eduardo Crespo,
Casilla 6747, Guayaquil, Ecuador;
Tel: 307253 302352; FAX: 327 373

Alfredo Mena,
IICA, Boite Postale 2020, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Tel: 5-3634;

Randolfo Cruz,
Escuela Agricola Panamericana, Tegicalupa, Honduras.
Telex: 1567 EAPZAM H ; Fax: (504) 328543

Floyd Neckles,
Sugarcane Feeds Centre, Pokhor Road, Longdenville, Trinidad WI;
Tel: 665-9967; Telex: 24520 UWI

Dr C Kayouli,
Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, 43 Avenue Charles Nicole, 1002 Tunis-Belvedere, Republique de Tunisie
Tel: 280 950

United Kingdom
Dr Andrew Speedy,
Plant Sciences Department, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PF, United Kingdom;
Tel:(0865)270872/80; Telex: 83147 VIA OR G; Fax: (0865)270708

United States
Dr Joe Conrad,
Animal Science Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA;
Tel: (904)392.2180; Telex: 568757;

Dr Peter Cheeke,
Department Animal Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-6702, USA;
Tel: (503)754-3431; Telex: 5105960682 OSU COVS ;

Instituto de Producción Animal,
Facultad de Agronomía UCV, Maracay, Venezuela.
Fax: (5843) 25204

Professor Luu Trong Hieu;
University of Agriculture and Forestry, Thu Duc, HochiMinh City, Vietnam.